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Author:De Mauduit, Y.

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4 matching references were found.

De Mauduit, Y., Sulfur dioxide - sulfur trioxide liquid-vapor equilibrium, Ann. Genie Chim., 1967, 3, 70. [all data]

De Mauduit, Y., Liquid-vapour equilibria of the system sulfur dioxide + sulfur trioxide at pressures above one atmosphere, Rev. Chim. Miner., 1969, 6, 775. [all data]

De Mauduit, Y.; Enjalbert, M., Extension of dynamic ebulliometry to measurements under moderate pressures, Chim. Ind., Genie Chim., 1969, 102, 965. [all data]

De Mauduit, Y.; Gardy, H., Liquid-vapor equilibrium in a sulfur dioxide + sulfur trioxide mixture, C. R. Seances Acad. Sci., Ser. C, 1968, 266, 946. [all data]