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Author:De Heer, F.

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16 matching references were found.

Moehlmann, G.R.; Bhutani, K.K.; de Heer, F.J.; Tsurubuchi, S., Lifetimes of the vibronic Ã2A1 states of H2O+ and of the 3Πi (υ´ = 0) state of OH+, Chem. Phys., 1978, 31, 2, 273, . [all data]

Moehlmann, G.R.; de Heer, F.J., Lifetimes of the vibronic Ã2A1 states of H2S+, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1975, 36, 3, 353, . [all data]

Aarts, J.F.M.; de Heer, F.J., Emission of radiation in the vacuum ultraviolet by impact of electrons on carbon monoxide, J. Chem. Phys., 1970, 52, 5354. [all data]

Aarts, J.F.M.; de Heer, F.J., Emission cross sections of the A1Π state of NO+, Physica (Amsterdam), 1971, 54, 609. [all data]

Fournier, P.; van de Runstraat, C.A.; Govers, T.R.; Schopman, J.; De Heer, F.J.; Los, J., Collision-induced dissociation of 10 keV N2+ ions: evidence for predissociation of the C2Σu+ state, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1971, 9, 426. [all data]

Govers, T.R.; van de Runstraat, C.A.; de Heer, F.J., Isotope effects in the predissociation of the C2Σu+ state of N2+, J. Phys. B:, 1973, 6, 73. [all data]

van de Runstraat, C.A.; de Heer, F.J.; Govers, T.R., Excitation and decay of the C2Σu+ state of N2+ in the case of electron impact on N2, Chem. Phys., 1974, 3, 431. [all data]

Govers, T.R.; van de Runstraat, C.A.; de Heer, F.J., Excitation and decay of the C2Σu+ state of N2+ following collisions of He+ ions with N2 isotopes, Chem. Phys., 1975, 9, 285. [all data]

Mohlmann, G.R.; de Heer, F.J., Lifetimes of the vibrational HBr+(A2Σ+) and DBr+(A2Σ+) states and emission cross sections for the corresponding (A2Σ+, v' → X2Πi, v") transitions, Chem. Phys., 1976, 17, 147-154. [all data]

Mohlmann, G.R.; de Heer, F.J., Measurements of the radiative lifetimes of the vibrational CO+ (A2Πi) states, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1976, 43, 170-174. [all data]

Mohlmann, G.R.; Bhutani, K.K.; de Heer, F.J., Emission cross sections of HCl+ (A2Σ+, v' → X2Πi, v") for electrons on HCl and lifetimes of the HCl+ (A2Σ+, v') states, Chem. Phys., 1977, 21, 127-134. [all data]

Mohlmann, G.R.; de Heer, F.J., The electronic transition moments for the CO+(b2Σ+-X2Σ+) and CO(B3Σ+-a3Π) systems; electronic transition matrix elements for CO(X1Σ+)-CO+(B2Σ+), Chem. Phys., 1977, 21, 119-125. [all data]

Mohlmann, G.R.; de Heer, F.J., Emission cross section of the NO(b4Σ- → a4Π) system. Radiative lifetime and excitation energy of the NO(b4Σ-) state, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1977, 49, 588-590. [all data]

van Sprang, H.A.; Mohlmann, G.R.; de Heer, F.J., Radiative lifetimes of the CO a'3Σ+, b3Σ+, c3Π, d3Δ and B1Σ+ states. Absolute emission cross sections for the b3Σ+-a3Π and c3Π-a3Π transitions for electrons on CO, Chem. Phys., 1977, 24, 429-433. [all data]

van Wingerden, B.; van der Leeuw, Ph.E.; de Heer, F.J.; van der Wiel, M.J., Partial oscillator strengths (25-40 eV) for repulsive states of D2(H2), J. Phys. B:, 1979, 12, 1559-1577. [all data]

de Heer, F.J., Electron excitation, dissociation and ionization of H2, D2, T2, simple hydrocarbons and their ions, Phys. Scr., 1981, 23, 170-178. [all data]