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Author: | Daridon |
9 matching references were found.
Daridon, J.L.; Lagourette, B., Ultrasonic velocity measurements at high pressure for the thermophysical characterization of a ternary mixture, Acustica, 1996, 82, 32-8. [all data]
Daridon, J.L.; Lagourette, B.; Labes, P., Compressibilities of ternary mixtures C1-nC16-CO2 under pressure from ultrasonic measurements of sound speed, Int. J. Thermophys., 1996, 17, 851-871. [all data]
Daridon, J.L.; Xans, P.; Montel, F., Phase boundary measurement on a methane+decane+multiparaffins system, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1996, 117, 241-8. [all data]
Lagourette, B.; Daridon, J.L.; Gaubert, J.F.; Saint-Guirons, H., High-pressure ultrasonic speeds in a ternary condensate gas: {0.880CH4 + 0. 100C3H8 + 0.020CH3(CH2)6CH3}(g), J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1995, 27, 259-66. [all data]
Labes, P.; Daridon, J.L.; Lagourette, B.; Saint-Guirons, H., Measurement and prediction of ultrasonic speed under high pressure in natural gases, Int. J. Thermophys., 1994, 15, 803-19. [all data]
Daridon, J.L., Measuring the velocity of sound in fluids composed of gas and liquid constituents under pressure, Acustica, 1994, 80, 416-19. [all data]
Daridon, J.L.; Lagourette, B.; Xans, P., Thermodynamic properties of liquid mixtures containing gas under pressure based on ultrasonic measurements, Fluid Phase Equilib., 1994, 100, 269-82. [all data]
Daridon, J.L.; Saint-Guirons, H.; Lagourette, B.; Xans, P., Density and phase behavior of the ternary system methane - carbon dioxide - hexadecane between 293 and 423 K and up to 50 MPa. Study of the effect of adding water, Ber. Bunsen-Ges. Phys. Chem., 1993, 97, 246-51. [all data]
Daridon, J.L.; Coniglio, L.; Takagi, T., Ideal Gas Heat Capacity for Methane and Enthane Derived Refrigerants in The Twentieth Japan Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Tokyo, 1999. [all data]