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6 matching references were found.
Czuchaj, E., Adiabatic potentials and oscillator strengths of thallium-noble gas atom pairs, Z. Naturforsch. A, 1982, 37, 325-333. [all data]
Czuchaj, E.; Sienkiewicz, J., Improved pseudopotential calculations of the adiabatic potentials and oscillator strengths of Tl-heavy noble gas systems, Z. Naturforsch. A, 1984, 39, 513-523. [all data]
Czuchaj, E.; Stoll, H.; Preuss, H., Pseudopotential SCF/CI calculations for the potential energies of the MHe and MNe (M = Mg, Cd, Hg) systems, J. Phys. B:, 1987, 20, 1487-1507. [all data]
Czuchaj, E.; Rebentrost, F.; Stoll, H.; Preuss, H., Semi-local pseudopotential calculations for the potential energies of the CaHe and CaNe systems, Chem. Phys., 1989, 138, 303-314. [all data]
Czuchaj, E.; Rebentrost, F.; Stoll, H.; Preuss, H., Semi-local pseudopotential calculations for the adiabatic potentials of alkali-neon systems, Chem. Phys., 1989, 136, 79-94. [all data]
Czuchaj, E.; Rebentrost, F.; Stoll, H.; Preuss, H., Pseudopotential SCF/CI calculation for the potential energy curves of the CaHe pair, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1991, 182, 191-199. [all data]