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Author: | Couladis |
26 matching references were found.
Kukic J.; Petrovic S.; Pavlovic M.; Couladis M.; Tzakou O.; Niketic M., Composition of essential oil of Stachys alpina L. ssp dinarica Murb., Flavour Fragr. J., 2006, 21, 3, 539-542, . [all data]
Baziou, P.; Couladis, M.; Petrakis, P.V.; Verykokidou, E.; Harvala, C., Composition and antioxidant activity of the essential oil of Hypericum perfoliatum from Greece, 2008, retrieved from [all data]
Couladis, M.; Baziou, P.; Petrakis, P.V.; Harvala, C., Essential oil composition of Hypericum perfoliatum L. growing in different locations in Greece, Flavour Fragr. J., 2001, 16, 3, 204-206, . [all data]
Couladis, M.; Tzakou, O.; Stojanovic, D.; Mimica-Dukic, N.; Jancic, R., The essential oil composition of Salvia argentea L., Flavour Fragr. J., 2001, 16, 3, 227-229, . [all data]
Tzakou, O.; Couladis, M., The essential oil of Micromeria graeca (L.) Bentham et Reichenb. growing in Greece, Flavour Fragr. J., 2001, 16, 2, 107-109, . [all data]
Couladis, M.; Tsortanidou, V.; Francisco-Ortega, J.; Santos-Guerra, A.; Harvala, C., Composition of the essential oils of Argyranthemum species growing in the Canary Islands, Flavour Fragr. J., 2001, 16, 2, 103-106, . [all data]
Petrakis, P.V.; Tsitsimpikou, C.; Tzakou, O.; Couladis, M.; Vagias, C.; Roussis, V., Needle volatiles from five Pinus species growing in Greece, Flavour Fragr. J., 2001, 16, 4, 249-252, . [all data]
Kovacevic, N.; Pavlovic, M.; Menkovic, N.; Tzakou, O.; Couladis, M., Composition of the essential oil from roots and rhizomes of Valeriana pancicii Halácsy Bald, Flavour Fragr. J., 2002, 17, 5, 355-357, . [all data]
Tzakou, O.; Couladis, M.; Slavkovska, V.; Mimica-Dukic, N.; Jancic, R., The essential oil composition of Salvia brachyodon Vandas, Flavour Fragr. J., 2003, 18, 1, 2-4, . [all data]
Özcan, M.; Tzakou, O.; Couladis, M., Essential oil composition of Turkish herbal tea (Salvia aucheri Bentham var. canescens Boiss. Heldr.), Flavour Fragr. J., 2003, 18, 4, 325-327, . [all data]
Pitarokili, D.; Couladis, M.; Petsikos-Panayotarou, N.; Tzakou, O., Composition and antifungal activity on soil-borne pathogens of the essential oil of Salvia sclarea from Greece, J. Agric. Food Chem., 2002, 50, 23, 6688-6691, . [all data]
Malencic, Dj.; Couladis, M.; Mimica-Dukic, N.; Popovic, M.; Boza, P., Essential oils of three Salvia species from the Pannonian part of Serbia, Flavour Fragr. J., 2004, 19, 3, 225-228, . [all data]
Couladis, M.; Chinou, I.B.; Tzakou, O.; Loukis, A., Composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Ballota pseudodictamnus L. Bentham, Phytother. Res., 2002, 16, 8, 723-726, . [all data]
Mimica-Dukic, N.; Kujundzic, S.; Sokovic, M.; Couladis, M., Essential oil composition and antifungal activity of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. obtained by different distillation conditions, Phytother. Res., 2003, 17, 4, 368-371, . [all data]
Couladis, M.; Chinou, I.B.; Tzakou, O.; Petrakis, P.V., Composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Hypericum rumeliacum subsp. apollinis (Boiss. Heldr.), Phytother. Res., 2003, 17, 2, 152-154, . [all data]
Couladis, M.; Özcan, M.; Tzakou, O.; Akgül, A., Comparative essential oil composition of various parts of the turpentine tree (Pistacia terebinthus L) growing wild in Turkey, J. Sci. Food Agric., 2003, 83, 2, 136-138, . [all data]
Couladis, M.; Tzakou, O.; Kujundzic, S.; Sokovic, M.; Mimica-Dukic, N., Chemical analysis and antifungal activity of Thymus striatus, Phytother. Res., 2004, 18, 1, 40-42, . [all data]
Pavlovic, M.; Tzakou, O.; Petrakis, P.V.; Couladis, M., The essential oil of Hypericum perforatum L., Hypericum tetrapterum Fries and Hypericum olympicum L. growing in Greece, Flavour Fragr. J., 2006, 21, 1, 84-87, . [all data]
Basta, A.; Tzakou, O.; Couladis, M., Composition of the leaves essential oil of Melissa officinalis s. l. from Greece, Flavour Fragr. J., 2005, 20, 6, 642-644, . [all data]
Pavlovic, M.; Kovacevic, N.; Tzakou, O.; Couladis, M., Essential oil composition of Sanicula europaea L., Flavour Fragr. J., 2006, 21, 4, 687-689, . [all data]
Pavlovic, M.; Kovacevic, N.; Tzakou, O.; Couladis, M., Essential oil composition of Anthemis triumfetti (L.) DC., Flavour Fragr. J., 2006, 21, 2, 297-299, . [all data]
Basta, A.; Tzakou, O.; Couladis, M., The essential oil composition of Phlomis cretica C. Presl, Flavour Fragr. J., 2006, 21, 5, 795-797, . [all data]
Basta, A.; Pavlovic, M.; Couladis, M.; Tzakou, O., Essential oil composition of the flowerheads of Chrysanthemum coronarium L. from Greece, Flavour Fragr. J., 2007, 22, 3, 197-200, . [all data]
Couladis, M.; Özcan, M.; Tzakou, O.; Akgül, A., Menengic (Pistacia terebinthus L.) agacinin degisik organlarinda ucucu yag bilesimi, Bitkisel Ilac Hammaddeleri Toplantisi, Bildiriler, 29-31 Mayis 2002, 2004, 6. [all data]
Basta, A.; Tzakou, O.; Couladis, M.; Yannitsaros, A., Essential oil composition of Prasium majus L. from Greece, Flavour Fragr. J., 2007, 22, 5, 347-349, . [all data]
Slavkovska, V.; Couladis, M.; Bojovic, S.; Tzakou, O.; Pavlovic, M.; Lakusic, B.; Jancic, R., Essential oil and its systematic significance in species of Micromeria Bentham from Serbia Montenegro, Plant Systematics and Evolution, 2005, 255, 1-2, 1-15, . [all data]