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Author: | Churassy |
20 matching references were found.
Bouvier, A.J.; Bacis, R.; Bonnet, J.; Churassy, S.; Crozet, P.; Erba, B.; Koffend, J.B., et al., Comparison of emission spectra of CuCl2 obtained via energy transfer from O2(1Δg) with laser-induced fluorescence spectra, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1991, 184, 1-3, 133, . [all data]
Crozet, P.; Coste, J.C.; Bacis, R.; Bouvier, A.J.; Churassy, S.; Ross, A.J., Study of isotope effects in the ground state of the symmetrical isotopomers of CuCl2, Chem. Phys., 1993, 178, 1-3, 505, . [all data]
Ross, A.J.; Bacis, R.; Bouvier, A.J.; Churassy, S.; Coste, J.-C.; Crozet, P.; Russier, I., The Ground State of the CuCl2 Molecule from Laser-Induced Fluorescence, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 1993, 158, 1, 27, . [all data]
Ross, A.J.; Crozet, P.; Bacis, R.; Churassy, S.; Erba, B.; Ashworth, S.H.; Lakin, N.M., et al., Laser-Induced Fluorescence from CuCl2in a Free-Jet Expansion: High-Resolution Fourier Transform Spectra, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 1996, 177, 1, 134, . [all data]
Bacis, R.; Broyer, M.; Churassy, S.; Verges, J.; Vigue, J., eQq measurements in the X, 1g, Og+ and B state of I2: a test of the electronic molecular eigenfunctions, J. Chem. Phys., 1980, 73, 2641-2650. [all data]
Bacis, R.; Churassy, S.; Field, R.W.; Koffend, J.B.; Verges, J., High resolution and sub-Doppler Fourier transform spectroscopy: iodine molecular fluorescence excited by the 514.5 and 501.7 nm Ar+ laser lines, J. Chem. Phys., 1980, 72, 34-42. [all data]
Churassy, S.; Martin, F.; Bacis, R.; Verges, J.; Field, R.W., Rotation-vibration analysis of the B0u+-a1g and B0u+-a'0g+ electronic systems of I2 by laser-induced-fluorescence Fourier-transform spectroscopy, J. Chem. Phys., 1981, 75, 4863-4868. [all data]
Martin, F.; Churassy, S.; Bacis, R.; Field, R.W.; Verges, J., Long range behavior of the gerade states near the 2P3/2 + 2P3/2 iodine dissociation limit by laser-induced-fluorescence Fourier-transform spectroscopy, J. Chem. Phys., 1983, 79, 3725-3737. [all data]
Pique, J.P.; Bacis, R.; Hartmann, F.; Sadeghi, N.; Churassy, S., Hyperfine predissociation in the B state of iodine investigated through lifetime measurements of individual hyperfine sublevels, J. Phys., 1983, 44, 347-351. [all data]
Verges, J.; Bacis, R.; Barakat, B.; Carrot, P.; Churassy, S.; Crozet, P., New laser-induced fluorescence Fourier transform spectrometry: the 7Li2 ground-state dissociation limit, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1983, 98, 203-205. [all data]
Bouvier, A.J.; Bacis, R.; Bouvier, A.; Broyer, M.; Churassy, S.; Perrot, J.P., Hyperfine structure of the f(Og+) state of iodine investigated through cw optical-optical double resonance, Opt. Commun., 1984, 51, 403-408. [all data]
Pique, J.P.; Bacis, R.; Broyer, M.; Churassy, S.; Koffend, J.B., Calculation of the magnetic hyperfine interaction in the E and X states of iodine with the separated-atom theory, J. Chem. Phys., 1984, 80, 1390-1393. [all data]
Pique, J.P.; Hartmann, F.; Bacis, R.; Churassy, S.; Koffend, J.B., Hyperfine-induced ungerade-gerade symmetry breaking in a homonuclear diatomic molecule near a dissociation limit: 127I2 at the 2P3/2-2P1/2 limit, Phys. Rev. Lett., 1984, 52, 267-270. [all data]
Churassy, S.; Chawla, G.K.; Field, R.W., Modulated-gain spectrometer, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B: Opt. Phys., 1985, 2, 1929-1933. [all data]
Barakat, B.; Bacis, R.; Carrot, F.; Churassy, S.; Crozet, P.; Martin, F., Extensive analysis of the X1Σg+ ground state of 7Li2 by laser-induced fluorescence Fourier transform spectrometry, Chem. Phys., 1986, 102, 215-227. [all data]
Barakat, B.; Bacis, R.; Churassy, S.; Field, R.W.; Ho, J.; Linton, C.; McDonald, S.; Martin, F.; Verges, J., Observation and analysis of the 21Σg+ state of 7Li2, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 1986, 116, 271-285. [all data]
Carrot, F.; Bacis, R.; Churassy, S.; Ho, J.; Linton, C.; McDonald, S.; Martin, F.; Verges, J., The 21Σg+ state of 6Li2: observation, analysis, and examination of the isotope effect, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 1986, 119, 38-50. [all data]
Pique, J.P.; Hartmann, F.; Churassy, S.; Bacis, R., Hyperfine interactions in homonuclear diatomic molecules and u-g perturbations. I. Theory, J. Phys., 1986, 47, 1909-1916. [all data]
Pique, J.P.; Hartmann, F.; Churassy, S.; Bacis, R., Hyperfine interactions in homonuclear diatomic molecules and u-g perturbations. II. Experiments on I2, J. Phys., 1986, 47, 1917-1929. [all data]
Nota, M.; Bouvier, A.J.; Bacis, R.; Bouvier, A.; Crozet, P.; Churassy, S.; Koffend, J.B., This dissociation of iodine by singlet molecular oxygen; role of the vibrational reservoir state A'(2u), J. Chem. Phys., 1989, 91, 1938-1940. [all data]