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Author:Chibisova, T.

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3 matching references were found.

Traven', V.F.; Rodin, O.G.; Redchenko, V.V.; Chibisova, T.A.; Stepanov, B.I., Photoelectron spectra of selenanthrene and dibenzoselenophene, J. Gen. Chem. USSR, 1982, 52, 2345, In original 2650. [all data]

Traven, V.F.; Martirosyan, M.A.; Redchenko, V.V.; Chibisova, T.A., Electronic structure of n systems. II. Photoelectron spectra and occupied orbitals of some n donors which are derivatives and analogs of bipyranylidene, J. Gen. Chem. USSR, 1987, 57, 441. [all data]

Traven, V.F.; Safronov, A.I.; Chibisova, T.A., Electronic structure of π systems. IX. Photoelectron spectra of benzanthrone, dibenzo[b,def]chrysene-7,14-dione, and anthanthrone and their analogs, J. Gen. Chem. USSR, 1991, 61, 697. [all data]