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Author:Chiba, Takehiko

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2 matching references were found.

Miyajima, Seiichi; Nakazato, Ayumi; Sakoda, Noriko; Chiba, Takehiko, Liquid crystals of 4-octyloxy- N -(benzylidene)aniline derivatives bearing trifluoromethyl or trifluoromethoxy end groups, Liquid Crystals, 1995, 18, 4, 651-656, . [all data]

Miyajima, Seiichi; Enomoto, Takehiko; Kusanagi, Tomohiro; Chiba, Takehiko, Terminal Polar Substituent Effect on the Liquid Crystalline Properties of a Series of 4-Octyloxy-N-(4-substituted benzylidene)anilines., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 1991, 64, 5, 1679-1681, . [all data]