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5 matching references were found.

Francioli, S.; Guerra, M.; López-Tamames, E.; Guadayoi, J.M.; Caixach, J., Aroma of sparkling wines by headspace/solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, Am. J. Enol. Vitic, 1999, 50, 4, 404-408. [all data]

Planas, C.; Puig, A.; Rivera, J.; Caixach, J., Analysis of pesticides and metabolites in Spanish surface waters by isotope dilution gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with previous automated solid-phase extraction Estimation of the uncertainty of the analytical results, J. Chromatogr. A, 2006, 1131, 1-2, 242-252, . [all data]

Vichi, S.; Guadayol, J.M.; Caixach, J.; López-Tamames, E.; Buxaderas, S., Monoterpene and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons of virgin olive oil by headspace solid-phase microextraction coupled to gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, J. Chromatogr. A, 2006, 1125, 1, 117-123, . [all data]

Bosch-Fuste, J.; Riu-Aumatell, M.; Guadayol, J.M.; Caixach, J.; Lopez-Tamames, E.; Buxaderas, S., Volatile profiles of sparkling wines obtained by three extraction methods and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis, Food Chem., 2007, 105, 1, 428-435, . [all data]

Vichi, S.; Guadayol, J.M.; Caixach, J.; López-Tamames, E.; Buxaderas, S., Analytical, Nutritional, and Clinical Methods. Comparative study of different extraction techniques for the analysis of virgin olive oil aroma, Food Chem., 2007, 105, 3, 1171-1178, . [all data]