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6 matching references were found.

Burdukovskaya, G.G.; Kudin, L.S.; Butman, M.F.; Krasnov, K.S., Ionic forms in the vapour over potassium iodide, Russ. J. Inorg. Chem., 1984, 29, 3020. [all data]

Kudin, L.S.; Burdukovskaya, G.G.; Krasnov, K.S.; Vorob'ev, O.V., Mass spectrometric study of the ionic composition of saturated potassium chloride vapour. Enthalpies of formation of the K2Cl+, K3Cl2+, KCl2-, and K2Cl3- ions, Russ. J. Phys. Chem., 1990, 64, 484. [all data]

Butman, M.F.; Kudin, L.S.; Burdukovskaya, G.G.; Krasnov, K.S.; Bozhko, N.V., Mass Spectrometric Determination of the Enthalpy of Formation of the Gaseous Ions LaCl4- and La2Cl7-, Russ. J. Phys. Chem., 1987, 61, 1518. [all data]

Kuznetsov, A.Yu.; Kudin, L.S.; Pogrebnoi, A.M.; Butman, M.F.; Burdukovskaya, G.G., A Mass-spectrometric Study of the Neutral and Ionic Components of Ytterbium Chloride Vapor: The Enthalpies of Formation of YbCl2 and YbCl3 Molecules and YbCl3- and YbCl4- Ion in the Gas Phas, Russ. J. Phys. Chem., 1997, 71, 216. [all data]

Kudin, L.S.; Burdukovskaya, G.G.; Butman, M.F.; Krasnov, K.S., Mass-Spectrometric Determination of EuCl2-, EuCl3-, EuCl4- and Eu2Cl7- Gaseous Ion Formation Enthalpies, Zh. Fiz. Khim. SSSR, 1993, 67, 645. [all data]

Kudin, L.S.; Pogrebnoi, A.M.; Burdukovskaya, G.G., Mass-Spectrometric Study of Saturated Vapor Composition over Neodymium Chlorides .2. Ion-Molecular Equilibrium and Enthalpies of Formation of Formation of Positive and Negative Ions., Zh. Fiz. Khim. SSSR, 1993, 67, 908. [all data]