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2 matching references were found.

Skripov, V.P.; Sinitsin, P.; Pavlov, P.; Ermakov, G.; Muratov, G.; Bulanov, N.; Baidakov, V., Thermophysical Properties of Superheated Liquids in Proc. Symp. Thermophys. Prop., 8th, 1981, Gaithersburg, Vol. II, Sengers, J. V., Ed., ASME: New York, p 328, 1982. [all data]

Skripov, V.P.; Chukanov, V.N.; Baidakov, V.G.; Bulanov, N.V., The Compressibility, Viscosity, and Thermal Conductivity of Superheated Liquids in Thermophysical Properties of Fluids, Nauka, Moscow, 1976. [all data]