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6 matching references were found.

Bucher, G.; Sander, W.; Kraka, E.; Cremer, D., 2,4-Didehydrophenol --- erster IR-spektroskopischer Nachweis einesmeta-Arins, Angew. Chem., 1992, 104, 9, 1225, . [all data]

Sander, W.; Bucher, G.; Wandel, H.; Kraka, E.; Cremer, D.; Sheldrick, W.S., Photochemistry of, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1997, 119, 44, 10660, . [all data]

Sato, T.; Narazaki, A.; Kawaguchi, Y.; Niino, H.; Bucher, G., Dicyanocarbodiimide and Trinitreno-s-triazine Generated by Consecutive Photolysis of Triazido-s-triazine in a Low-Temperature Nitrogen Matrix, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2003, 42, 42, 5206, . [all data]

Sato, T.; Narazaki, A.; Kawaguchi, Y.; Niino, H.; Bucher, G.; Grote, D.; Wolff, J.J.; Wenk, H.H.; Sander, W., Generation and Photoreactions of 2,4,6-Trinitreno-1,3,5-triazine, a Septet Trinitrene, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2004, 126, 25, 7846, . [all data]

Michael, A.; Bucher, J.E., Am. Chem. J., 1898, 20, 89. [all data]

Arm, H.; Bucher, P., Calorimeter for the determination of enthalpies of mixing. enthalpies of mixing of the n-hexane + cyclohexane binary system at 25 c., Chimia, 1973, 27, 79. [all data]