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5 matching references were found.

Sorrell, T.N.; Borovik, A.S., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1987, 109, 4255. [all data]

Borovik, E., Heat Conductivitiy of Carbon Dioxide and the Relation Between Heat Conductivity and Viscosity, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., 1949, 19, 561-4. [all data]

Nikolenko, L.N.; Karpova, E.N.; Khodak, V.A.; Chirakadze, G.G.; Borovik, V.P., Aromatic Compounds with A Long Side Chain III. Reduction of Alkyl 4-Amino phenyl Ketones by Modified Kishner Method, Zh. Obshch. Khim., 1960, 30, 1028-31. [all data]

Golik, A.Z.; Adamenko, I.I.; Borovik, V.V., Observation of P-V-T relation for n-paraffins in the interval of pres sure up to 2500 atm and temperatures up to 120 degrees Centigrade. (i n Russian), Ukr. Fiz. Zh. (Russ. Ed.), 1972, 17, 2075-2078. [all data]

Borovik-Romanov; Strelkov, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1952, 83, 59. [all data]