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Author: | Bombarda |
3 matching references were found.
Ramaroson-Raonizafinimanana, B.; Gaydou, E.M.; Bombarda, I., Hydrocarbons from three vanilla bean species: V. fragrans, V. madagascariensis, and V. tahitensis, J. Agric. Food Chem., 1997, 45, 7, 2542-2545, . [all data]
Trilles, B.L.; Bombarda, I.; Bouraïma-Madjebi, S.; Raharivelomanana, P.; Bianchini, J.-P.; Gaydou, E.M., Occurrence of various chemotypes in niaouli [Melaleuca quinquenervia (Cav.) S. T. Blake] essential oil from New Caledonia, Flavour Fragr. J., 2006, 21, 4, 677-682, . [all data]
Ramaroson-Raonizafinimanana, B.; Gaydou, E.M.; Bombarda, I., 4-Demethylsterols and Triterpene Alcohols from Two Vanilla Bean Species: Vanilla fragrans and V. tahitensis, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc., 1998, 75, 1, 51-55, . [all data]