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Author: | Bolotin |
6 matching references were found.
Stumbrys, E.; Bolotin, V.A.; Bolotin, A.B., Semiempirical versus ab initio investigations of cubane C8H8 containing helium, Liet. Fiz. Rinkinys, 1990, 30, 396-402. [all data]
Veneraki, I.E.; Bolotin, N.K., Experimental determination of the heats of vaporization of diethylene glycol, Gazov. Prom-st., 1964, 9, 3, 30. [all data]
Bolotin, N.K.; Shelomenstev, A.M., Method for determination of liquid density at normal boiling point, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1975, 49, 1015. [all data]
Labinov, S.D.; Bolotin, N.K., The benedict-webb-rubin equation of state for gaseous butylene at pressures up to 40 bars, Teplofiz. Kharakt. Veshchestv, 1968, No. 1, 100-102. [all data]
Neduzhil. I.A.; Bolotin, N.K., Lennard-Jones (12-6) Intermolecular Interaction Potential for the Calculation of Compressibility, Viscosity, and Thermal Conductivity of Gaseous Butylene, Teplofiz. Kharakteristik Veshchestv, 1968, No. 1, 148-52. [all data]
Stumbrys, E.; Bolotin, V.A.; Bolotin, A.B., Semiempirical versus ab initio investigations of cubane C8H8 containing helium, Liet. Fiz. Rinkinys, 1990, 30, 396-402. [all data]