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Author:Boiko, B.

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2 matching references were found.

Boiko, B.N.; Kulagin, V.I.; Plotnikov, V.V., Methods and devices for checking DASM-type microcalorimeters according to the accuracy of measurement of differential heat capacity, Nauch. Priborostr.: Teor. Eksp. Issled., 1984, 1984, 61-4. [all data]

Boiko, B.N.; Losev, V.A.; Plotnikov, V.V.; Privalov, P.L.; Senin, A.A.; Seregin, G.P., DASM-4 differential adiabatic scanning microcalorimeter, Nauch. Priborostr.: Teor. Eksp. Issled., 1984, 1984, 98. [all data]