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13 matching references were found.

Bogomolov, A.M., , Ph.D. Thesis. Saratov, 1963. [all data]

Bogomolov, A.M., Opt. Spektrosk., 1962, 12, 186. [all data]

Bogomolov, A.M., Opt. Spektrosk., 1962, 13, 331. [all data]

Bogomolov, A.M., Vibrational spectra of aromatic compounds. XIV. Characteristic vibrations of meta-substituted benzenes., Opt. Spektrosk., 1962, 13, 159. [all data]

Bogomolov, A.M., Vibrational spectra of aromatic compounds. VIII. Characteristic Vibrations of 1,2-disubstituted benzene derivatives, Opt. Spektrosk., 1961, 10, 322. [all data]

Bogomolov, A.M., Vibration Spectra of Aromatic Compounds VII. Characteristic Vibrations of Monosubstituted Benzenes, Opt. Spektrosk., 1961, 10, 311-18. [all data]

Kovner, M.A.; Bogomolov, A.M., Vibrational Spectra of Aromatic Compounds VI. Calculation and Interpreta- tion of the Vibrational Spectra of o-Xylene, Opt. Spektrosk., 1959, 7, 444. [all data]

Kovner, M.A.; Bogomolov, A.M., Opt. Spektrosk., 1958, 4, 301. [all data]

Bogomolov, G.M.; Gal'perin, Ya.V.; Petrov, A.A., Zh. Org. Khim., 1976, 12, 1148. [all data]

Sas, T.M.; Falin, V.A.; Mazepova, N.E.; Krasavin, I.A.; Bogomolov, I.I., Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1977, 51, 1273. [all data]

Omelchenko, S.I.; Pushkareva, Z.V.; Bogomolov, S.G., Peculiarities of Structure and Chemical Transformaitons of Carbazole and Some of Its Derivatives, Zhur. Obshchei Khim., 1957, 27, 3220-6. [all data]

Sas, T.M.; Falin, V.A.; Mazepova, N.Ye.; Krasavin, I.A.; Bogomolov, V.I., Deposited Doc., 1977, VINITI No. 434 - 77, 1977. [all data]

Voskoboinikov, I.M.; Bogomolov, V.M., Measurement of temperaqturefs of Shock-compressed Carbon Tetrachloride and a Carbon Tetrachloride-Benzene Solution, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Pisma Red., 1968, 7, 338-41. [all data]