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Author: | Blagoi |
29 matching references were found.
Blagoi, Yu.P.; Butko, A.E.; Mikhailenko, S.A.; Yakuba, V.V., Velocity of Sound in Liquid Krypton, Xenon, and Methane, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1967, 41, 1699-1702. [all data]
Blagoi, Yu.P.; Orobinskii, N.A., Liquid-vapour phase equilibriums of the propylene + krypton and propylene + xenon systems, Ukr. Fiz. Zh. (Ukr. Ed.), 1967, 12, 838. [all data]
Stepanyan, S.G.; Smorygo, N.A.; Sheina, G.G.; Radchenko, E.D.; Yakovleva, V.D.; Rusavskaya, T.N.; Studentsov, E.P.; Ivin, B.A.; Blagoi, Yu.P., Studies of vibrational spectra of 6-fluorothymine and its methyl derivatives, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 1990, 46, 355-61. [all data]
Blagoi, Yu.P.; Butko, A.E.; Mikhailenko, S.A.; Yakuba, V.V., Speed of sound in liquid nitrogen, oxygen and argon in boiling point at 1 atm, Akust. Zh., 1966, 12, 405-10. [all data]
Blagoi, Yu.P.; Orobinskii, N.A., Liquid-vapor phase equilibrium in the systems propene - methane and propene - carbon tetrafluoride, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1966, 40, 3031. [all data]
Blagoi, Yu.P.; Orobinskii, N.A., Liquid-vapour phase equilibrium in the systems propene + methane and propene + carbon tetrafluoride, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1966, 40, 1625. [all data]
Blagoi, Yu.P.; Butko, A.E.; Mikhailenko, S.A.; Yakuba, V.V., Sound Velocity in Liquid Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Aron in the Region Above Normal Boiling Temperature, Akust. Zh., 1965, 12, 405. [all data]
Blagoi, Yu.P.; Orobinskii, N.A., Liquid-vapour phase equilibrium in the propene- nitrogen system, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1965, 39, 2022. [all data]
Blagoi, Yu.P.; Orobins'kii, M.P., Vapor-liquid equilibrium of the propane + argon system, Ukr. Fiz. Zh. (Ukr. Ed.), 1963, 8, 1378. [all data]
Blagoi, Yu.P., Densities of solutions of condensed gases argon + methane and nitrogen + methane, Ukr. Fiz. Zh. (Ukr. Ed.), 1959, 4, 577. [all data]
Blagoi, Yu.P.; Rudenko, N.S., Density of liquefied gas solutions, nitrogen + oxygen and argon + oxygen, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Fiz., 1958, No. 6, 145. [all data]
Zozulya, V.N.; Blagoi, Yu.P., Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys. (Engl. Transl.), 1975, 1, 562. [all data]
Zozulya, V.N.; Blagoi, Yu.P., Viscosity of Nitrogen nearby Critical Point Liquid-Gas, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., 1974, 66, 212. [all data]
Blagoi, Yu.P.; Zozulya, V.N., Phase density and isothermal compressibility of nitrogen on the coexistence curve near the critical point determination of the difference in partial derivative of mu with respect to rho at constant t, Fiz. Kondens. Sostoyaniya, 1974, No. 33, 67-71. [all data]
Orobinskii, N.A.; Blagoi, Yu.P.; Semyannikova, E.L.; Byunnik, L.N., Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium of Methane + Propylene and Carbon Tetrafluoride + Propylene Systems at High Temperatures., Fiz. Khim. Rastvorov, 1972, 1972, 233-38. [all data]
Blagoi, Yu.P.; Sorokin, V.O., P-v-t relations in solutions of liquefied gases methane + tetrafluoromethane and methane + propylene, Ukr. Fiz. Zh. (Ukr. Ed.), 1971, 16, 666. [all data]
Sorokin, V.A.; Blagoi, Yu.P., Isothermal compressibility of liquid argon and methane at pressures of 500 atm at low temperatures, Termodin. Termokhim. Konstanty., 1970, 97-101. [all data]
Mikhailenko, S.A.; Blagoi, Yu.P.; Butko, A.E.; Sorokin, V.A., Sound velocity in liquefied gas solutions: IV adiabatic and isothermal compressibility in the krypton + methane system, Ukr. Fiz. Zh. (Russ. Ed.), 1970, 15, 571-7. [all data]
Blagoi, Yu.P.; Sorokin, V.O., Iso-Thermal compressability of liquid carbon tetrafluoride and propylene., Ukr. Fiz. Zh. (Ukr. Ed.), 1970, 15, 1857. [all data]
Blagoi, Yu.P.; Sorokin, V.A., Isothermic compressibility of liquid krypton and xenon, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1970, 44, 2745-2750. [all data]
Blagoi, Yu.P.; Butko, A.E.; Mikhailenko, S.A.; Yakuba, V.V., The velocity of sound in solutions of liquified gases: II the system argon + methane, Sov. Prog. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1969, 13, 1142. [all data]
Blagoi, Yu.P.; Savina, A.V., Excess volumes of mixing of liquified-gas solutions of the methane- tetrafluoromethane, methane-1-propene, and methane-krypton systems, Fiz. Kondens. Sostoyaniya, 1969, 5, 15-22. [all data]
Blagoi, Yu.P.; Sorokin, V.A., Pressure-volume-temperature ratios for liquefied gas solutions. argon + krypton and krypton + methane systems, Fiz. Kondens. Sostoyaniya, 1969, No. 5, 5-14. [all data]
Orobinskii, N.A.; Blagoi, Yu.P.; Semyannikova, E.L., Liquid-vapor phase equilibrium of the argon + propylene and krypton + propylene systems at high temperatures, Ukr. Fiz. Zh. (Russ. Ed.), 1968, 13, 373-80. [all data]
Blagoi, Yu.P.; Butko, A.E.; Mikhailenko, S.A.; Yakuba, V.V., Velocity of sound in liquid propene, carbon tetrafluoride, and ammonia., Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1968, 42, 1075-8. [all data]
Blagoi, Yu.P.; Orobinskii, N.A., Liquid-vapor phase equilibrium and excess thermodynamic functions of binary solutions of liquefied gases, Fiz. Kondens. Sostoyaniya, 1968, No. 1, 3-35. [all data]
Blagoi, Yu.P.; Kropachev, G.P.; Pashkov, V.V., Surface Tension of Argon and Hydrogen Solutions in Argon, Ukr. Phys. J., 1967, 12, 1300-5. [all data]
Blagoi, Yu.P.; Butko, A.E.; Mikhailenko, S.A.; Yakuba, V.V., Sov. Phys. Acoust., 1967, 12, 355. [all data]
Blagoi, Yu.P.; Butko, A.E.; Mikhailenko, S.A., Sound Velocity in Solutions of Liquified Gases II. Argano-Methane System, Ukr. Fiz. Zh. (Ukr. Ed.), 1968, 13, 1603-7. [all data]