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3 matching references were found.

Andric, L.; Bissantz, H.; Linder, F., Direct photodissociation of SO+ via the 14Σ+ state, Z. Phys. D: At. Mol. Clusters, 1989, 13, 147-151. [all data]

Hertzler, Ch.; Bissantz, H.; Foth, H.-J.; Linder, F., Photofragment spectroscopy of N2+ in the near UV, Z. Phys. D: At. Mol. Clusters, 1990, 15, 151-159. [all data]

Helm, H.; Dyer, M.J.; Bissantz, H., Simplification of photoelectron spectra of H2 in intense laser fields, Phys. Rev. Lett., 1991, 67, 1234-1237. [all data]