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Author:Beyer, H.

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4 matching references were found.

Rothemund, P.; Beyer, H., Calorimetrische bestimmungen bei einfachen pyrrolen, Ann. Chim., 1932, 492, 292-298. [all data]

Rothemund, P.; Beyer, H., Justus Liebigs Ann. Chem., 1932, 492, 292. [all data]

Beyer, H.H.; Griskey, R.G., Generalized Correlation of the Constants of the Benedict-Webb-Rubin-Friend Equation for Paraffinic Isomers, AIChE J., 1964, 10, 764. [all data]

Griskey, R.G.; Beyer, H.H., Determination of constants for the benedict-webb-rubin-friend equation of state from limited data, AIChE J., 1963, 9, 507. [all data]