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5 matching references were found.
Zvezdina, V.V.; Motorina, O.R.; Guara, G.Yu.; Bochin, V.P.; Golubchikov, O.A.; Berezin, B.D., Russ. J. Phys. Chem., 1983, 57, 1422. [all data]
Zvezdina, V.V.; Vinogradova, E.A.; Bochin, V.P.; Berezin, B.D.; Golubchikov, O.A., Zh. Neorg. Khim., 1982, 27, 2818. [all data]
Sheinin, V.B.; Karasyov, V.V.; Klyuyev, S.A.; Berezin, B.D., Method for determination of sublimation enthalpies of porphyrins, Zh. Khim. Termodin. Termokhim., 1993, 2, 2, 186. [all data]
Berezin, B.D.; Kharitonov, S.V.; Potapova, T.I.; Petrova, R.A., Solution thermodynamics of benzoporphyrins in organic solvents, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1985, 59, 2425. [all data]
Berezin, B.D.; Koifman, O.I.; Zelov, V.V.; Nikitina, G.E., Thermodynamics of the dissolution of tetraphenylporphine in alcohols., Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1978, 52, 2214-7. [all data]