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Author:Benoist d'Azy

3 matching references were found.

Benoist D'Azy, O.; Lopez-Delgado, R.; Tramer, A., No fluorescence decay from low-lying electronic states excited into single vibronic levels with synchrotron radiation, Chem. Phys., 1975, 9, 327. [all data]

Field, R.W.; Benoist d'Azy, O.; Lavollee, M.; Lopez-Delgado, R.; Tramer, A., Radiative decay rates from deperturbed v = 0-7 vibrational levels of CO A1Π measured using synchrotron radiation, J. Chem. Phys., 1983, 78, 2838-2846. [all data]

Zehnacker, A.; Duval, M.C.; Jouvet, C.; Lardeux-Dedonder, C.; Solgadi, D.; Soep, B.; Benoist d'Azy, O., Experimental study of the cold mercury dimer, J. Chem. Phys., 1987, 86, 6565-6566. [all data]