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8 matching references were found.

Beens, J.; Tijssen, R.; Blomberg, J., Prediction of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatographic separations. A theoretical and practical exercise, J. Chromatogr. A, 1998, 822, 2, 233-251, . [all data]

van Deursen, M.; Janssen, H.-G.; Beens, J.; Rutten, G.; Cramers, C., Design considerations for rapid-heating columns applied in fast capillary gas chromatography, J. Microcolumn Sep., 2001, 13, 8, 337-345, . [all data]

van Deursen, M.; Beens, J.; Cramers, C.A.; Janssen, H.-G., Possibilities and limitations of fast temperature programming as a route towards fast GC, J. Hi. Res. Chromatogr., 1999, 22, 9, 509-513,<509::AID-JHRC509>3.0.CO;2-S . [all data]

Dallüge, J.; van Stee, L.L.P.; Xu, X.; Williams, J.; Beens, J.; Vreuls, R.J.J.; Brinkman, U.A.Th., Unravelling the composition of very complex samples by comprehensive gas chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Cigarette smoke, J. Chromatogr. A, 2002, 974, 1-2, 169-184, . [all data]

Xu, X.; van Stee, L.L.P.; Williams, J.; Beens, J.; Adahchour, M.; Vreuls, R.J.J.; Brinkman, U.A.Th.; Lelieveld, J., Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC) measurements of volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2003, 3, 3, 665-682, . [all data]

Adahchour, M.; van Stee, L.L.P.; Beens, J.; Vreuls, R.J.J.; Batenburg, M.A.; Brinkman, U.A.Th., Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometric detection for the trace analysis of flavour compounds in food, J. Chromatogr. A, 2003, 1019, 1-2, 157-172, . [all data]

Dallüge, J.; van Rijn, M.; Beens, J.; Vreuls, R.J.J.; Brinkman, U.A.Th., Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometric detection applied to the determination of pesticides in food extracts, J. Chromatogr. A, 2002, 965, 1-2, 207-217, . [all data]

Xu, X.; van Stee, L.L.P.; Williams, J.; Beens, J.; Adahchour, M.; Vreuls, R.J.J.; Brinkman, U.A.Th.; Lelieveld, J., Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC) measurements of volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2003, 3, 1, 1139-1181, . [all data]