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Author:Bazaev, A.

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13 matching references were found.

Abdulagatov, I.M.; Bazaev, A.R.; Basanov, R.K.; Ramazanova, A.E., Measurements of the (p,ρ,T) properties and virial coefficients of pure water, methane, n-hexane, n-octane, benzene, and of their aqueous mixtures in the supercritical region, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1996, 28, 1037-1057. [all data]

Abdulagatov, I.M.; Bazaev, A.R.; Gasanov, R.K.; Bazaev, E.A.; Ramazanova, A.E., Experimental investigation of the PVTx-properties of n-heptane in supercritical water, High Temp. (Engl. Transl.), 1996, 34, 681-687. [all data]

Abdulagatov, I.M.; Bazaev, A.R.; Ramazanova, A.E.; Gasanov, R.K., Experimental study of the PVTX-properties of the binary system carbon dioxide-water in the supercritical range in Phys. Chem. Aqueous Syst., Proc. Int. Conf. Prop. Water Steam, 12th, White, H. J., Ed., Begell House: New York, p 558-64, 1995. [all data]

Abdulagatov, I.M.; Bazaev, A.R.; Ramazanova, A.E., PVTx-properties and virial coefficients of the water-n-hexane system, Ber. Bunsen-Ges. Phys. Chem., 1994, 98, 1596-600. [all data]

Abdulagatov, I.M.; Bazaev, A.R.; Ramazanova, A.E., Volumetric properties and virial coefficients of (water + methane), J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1993, 25, 249-59. [all data]

Abdulagatov, I.M.; Bazaev, A.R.; Ramazanova, A.E., Volumetric properties and virial coefficients of water-methane binary mixtures, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1993, 67, 13-17. [all data]

Abdulagatov, I.M.; Bazaev, A.R.; Ramazanova, A.E., P-V-T-x measurements of aqueous mixtures at supercritical conditions, Int. J. Thermophys., 1993, 14, 231-50. [all data]

Abdulagatov, I.M.; Bazaev, A.R.; Ramazanova, A.E., Excess thermodynamic functions of water-hydrocarbon binary systems under supercritical conditions, Zh. Prikl. Khim. (S.-Peterburg), 1993, 66, 2012-18. [all data]

Abdulagatov, I.M.; Bazaev, A.R.; Ramazanova, A.E., The P, ρ, T, x characteristics and virial coefficients of the water- hexane binary system, Teplofiz. Vys. Temp., 1992, 30, 897-907. [all data]

Bazaev, A.R., Pressure-volume-temperature-composition relation of methane-water and nitrogen-water mixtures close to the critical temperature of water, Geotermiya. AN SSSR. Dag. Fil. In-t Probl. Geotermii, Makhachkala, 1989, 4, 121-4. [all data]

Bazaev, A.R.; Skripka, V.G.; Namiot, A.Y., Volume properties of gaseous mixtures of water vapor with n-hexane and n- octane., Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1975, 49, 790. [all data]

Bazaev, A.R.; Skripka, V.G.; Namiot, A.Y., The volume properties of mixtures of water vapour with methane and nitrogen at elevated temperatures and pressures, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1974, 48, 1419. [all data]

Bazaev, A.R.; Skripka, V.G., Pressure-volume-temperature properties of methane at high temperatures and pressures, Gazov. Prom-st., 1974, No. 12, 44. [all data]