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Author: | Barry, T. |
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5 matching references were found.
Bellman, S.W.; Barry, T.L., Pesticide residues. Combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of multiple chlorinated pesticide residues in foods, J. Ass. Offic. Anal. Chem, 1971, 54, 3, 499-506. [all data]
Barry, T.L.; Petzinger, G.; Zito, S.W., GC/MS comparison of the West Indian aphrodisiac Love Stone to the Chinese medication Chan Su: bufotenine and related bufadienolides, J. Forensic Sci., 1996, 41, 6, 1068-1073. [all data]
Johnson, A.I.; Barry, T.W., Device for determining conjugate phase compositions in three-component systems, Can. J. Technol., 1954, 32, 17-21. [all data]
Johnson, A.I.; Furter, W.F.; Barry, T.W., A phase equilibrium study of the system n-octane - water - propionic acid, Can. J. Technol., 1954, 32, 179-86. [all data]
Johnson, A.I.; Furter, W.F.; Barry, T.W., A phase equilibrium study of the system n-octane + water + propionic acid, Can. J. Technol., 1954, 32, 181-86. [all data]