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Author: | Balashov, D.B. |
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3 matching references were found.
Balashov, D.B., Thermodynamic properties of nitroglycerin propellants up to 26,000 kg/cm2 and temperatures of 20-92 deg. IV. Thermodynamic potentials., Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1967, 41, 1879. [all data]
Volarovich, M.P.; Balashov, D.B., Measurement of the velocity of sound and absorhtion in gas nitrogen at pressure to 5000 atm in Primenenie Ul'traacustiki k Issledovaniy Vestchestva, MOPI, Moskow, 1961. [all data]
Volarovich, M.P.; Balashov, D.B., Measurement of the sound velocity in gas nitrogen at pressure to 1050 atm in Primeneniue Ul'traacustiiki k Issledovanity Veshchestva, MOPI, Moscow, 1959. [all data]