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Author:Arp, V.

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4 matching references were found.

Hands, B.A.; Arp, V.D., A Correlation of Thermal Conductivity Data for Helium, Cryogenics, 1981, 21, 12, 697-703, . [all data]

McCarty, R.D.; Arp, V.D., A New Wide Range Equation of State for Helium, Adv. Cryo. Eng., 1990, 35, 1465-1475. [all data]

Arp, V.D.; McCarty, R.D.; Friend, D.G., Thermophysical Properties of Helium-4 from 0.8 to 1500 K with Pressures to 2000 MPa, NIST Technical Note 1334 (Revised), National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO, 1998, 145, retrieved from on 2015-11-05. [all data]

Brennan, J.A.; Friend, D.G.; Arp, V.D.; McCarty, R.D., Computer program for computing the properties of seventeen fluids, Cryogenics, 1992, 32, 212-14. [all data]