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4 matching references were found.

Arnemann, M.; Kruse, H., Liquid Viscosities of the Non-Azeotropic Binary Refrigerant Mixtures R22-R114, R22-R152A, R22-R142B: Measurements and Calculations in Proceedings of the XVIIIth International Congress of Refrigeration, Volume II, International Institute of Refrigeration, Paris, France, 1991, 379-383. [all data]

Arnemann, M.; Kruse, H., Liquid viscosities of the non-azeotropic binary refrigerant mixtures R22/R1 14, R22/R152A, R22/R142B. Measurements and calculations in Actes Congr. Int. Froid, 18th, Vol. 2, Int. Congr. Refrig., Saint-Hyacinthe: Que, 379-83, 1991. [all data]

Kruse, H.; Gerdsmeyer, K.D.; Kuever, M.; Arnemann, M., Measurements and calculations of thermodynamic data for the binary refrigerant mixture R22/R114, Int. J. Refrig., 1989, 12, 62. [all data]

Arnemann, M.; Kruse, H., Experimental results for the boiling density and liquid viscosity of the alternative refrigerant mixtures R 22/R 142b and R 22/R 152a, DKV-Tagungsber., 1989, No. 2, 427-40. [all data]