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2 matching references were found.

Freidlin, G.N.; Bushinskii, V.I.; Antonenko, N.S.; Gridtsina, D.U.; Vaisman, I.L.; Myasnikova, L.F., Solubility of acetylene in 2-pyrrolidinone and n-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone, Tr. Vses. Nauchno-Issled. Proektn. Inst. Monomerov, 1970, 2, 2, 155. [all data]

Rykov, V.I.; Antonenko, T.I., Correlation of the Heat of Sublimation with Hardness, Izv. Vysshikh Uchebn. Zavedenii, Fiz., 1962, No. 4, 17. [all data]