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Author: | Alvarino, J. |
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3 matching references were found.
Alvarino, J.M.; Gonzalez, L.F.; Hernandez, M.L.; Martinez, E., The B(1Σ+) and X(1Σ+) states of HF and DF: RKR curves and Franck-Condon factors, Spectrosc. Lett., 1983, 16, 541-553. [all data]
Para, E.G.; Martinez, E.; Alvarino, J.M., Franck-Condon factors and r-centroids for the A1Σ+-X1Σ+ and B3Π(0+)-X1Σ+ band system of 63Cu1H and 63Cu2H, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 1983, 30, 439-447. [all data]
Quintales, L.M.; Alvarino, J.M.; Velasco, S., Computational derivation of coexistence curves for van-der-Waals-typ equations, Eur. J. Phys., 1988, 9, 55. [all data]