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39 matching references were found.

Altunin, V.V., Equation for the Viscosity of Sulfur Hexafluoride for a Broad Range of Temperatures and Pressures, Tr. Mosk. Energ. Inst., 1984, 622, 12-18. [all data]

Stefanov, B.; Zarkova, L.; Fokin, L.R.; Lyusternik, V.E.; Altunin, V.V.; Tozkii, E.E., Thermophysical properties of gaseous sulfur hexafluoride in the range 220-1 000 K: 43 experiments described by a unique intermolecular potential, High Temp. - High Pressures, 1991, 23, 461-71. [all data]

Altunin, V.V.; Sukhikh, A.A., Experimental study of volume ratios in a carbon dioxide-nitrogen system at low temperatures, Tr. Mosk. Energ. In-ta, 1991, No. 636, 29-36. [all data]

Vukalovich, M.P.; Altunin, V.V.; Gureev, A.N., Experimental study of the specific heat cp of carbon dioxide at high pressures, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1965, 12, 7, 58. [all data]

Vukalovich, M.P.; Altunin, V.V., Thermophysical Properties of Carbon Dioxide, Atomizdat, Moscow, 1965. [all data]

Vukalovich, M.P.; Altunin, V.V.; Gureev, A.N., The heat capacity of carbon dioxide at high pressures, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1964, 11, 9, 68. [all data]

Vukalovich, M.P.; Altunin, V.V.; Timoshenko, N.I., Thermodynamic properties of carbon dioxide at 0 to 1000 c and pressures up to 100 bars, At. Energ., 1963, 15, 210. [all data]

Altunin, V.V., Method for calculating thermodynamic properties of mixtures of real gases with a limited amount of raw test data, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1963, 10, 4, 78. [all data]

Vukalovich, M.P.; Altunin, V.V., The thermodynamic properties of carbon dioxide, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1961, 8, 11, 73. [all data]

Vukalovich, M.P.; Altunin, V.V., Experimental Reserch on the Pressure-Volume-Temperature Relation of CO2, Teploenergetika, 1959, 6, 58. [all data]

Altunin, V.V.; Zhekshenbaev, M.O.; Skopintsev, E.V., Equation of state and thermodynamic properties of a helium-sulfur hexafluoride vapor-liquid system, Faz. Perekhody Teplofiz. Svoistva Mnogokomponent, Sistem. AN SSSR. Dag. Fil. In-t Fiz., 1990, 1990, 43-53. [all data]

Altunin, V.V.; Zhekshenbaev, M.O.; Ivanov, E.B.; Skopintsev, E.V.; Sukhikh, A.A., Complex study of thermodynamic properties of binary mixtures of sulfur hexafluoride with low-boiling substances in Proc., 8 Vses. Konf.: Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshchestv, Ch. 1, AN SSSR. SO. In-t Teplofiz.: Novosibirsk, pp 59-64, 1989. [all data]

Kozlov, A.D.; Kuznetsov, V.M.; Mamonov, Y.V.; Altunin, V.V.; Sukhov, V.I.; Arinin, A.F., Dynamic viscosity and thermal conductivity at temperature from 220 to 1000 k and pressure from corresponding to rarefied gas state to 100 MPa in Tables of Standard Reference Data. Carbon Dioxide, GSSSD 110-87, Standards Publ., Moscow, 1987. [all data]

Altunin, V.V.; Geller, V.Z.; Kremenvskaya, E.A.; Perel'shtein, I.I.; Petrov, E.K., Thermophysical Properties of Freons, Methane Ser. Part 2, Vol. 9, NSRDS-USSR, Selover, T. B., Ed., Hemisphere, New York, 1987. [all data]

Altunin, V.V.; Skopintsev, E.V.; Sukhikh, A.A., Study of the phase equilibrium and volumetric correlations in a sulfur hexafluoride-nitrogen system, Sb. Nauch. Tr. Mosk. Energ. Inst., 1987, No. 131, 12. [all data]

Altunin, V.V., Equation for the viscosity of sulfur hexafluoride for a broad range of temperatures and pressures, Tr. Mosk. Energ. Inst., 1984, 622, 12. [all data]

Petrov, E.K.; Altunin, V.V.; Utenkov, V.F.; Sankov, V.I.; Yakovlev, M.A.; Klimenko, N.A., Experimental Investigation of the Density and State Equation of Freon C318 in the Gaseous Phase in Equations of State and Tables of Thermophysical Properties of Gases and Liquids, Moscow Energy Inst., 1983. [all data]

Altunin, V.V., Thermophysical properties of tetrafluoromethane on liquid-vapor equilibrium lines., Tr. Mosk. Energ. Inst., 1980, 451, 3. [all data]

Altunin, V.V.; Konikevich, E.I., Experimental study of the compressibility and volume effects of mixing reciprocal solutions of aliphatic alcohols at high temperatures and pressures, Deposited Doc., VINITI 1050-78, 20 pp., 1978. [all data]

Altunin, V.V.; Gvozdkov, A.V.; Sasinovskii, V.K., Experimental Study of Liquid-Vapor Phase Equilibriums at Elevated Pressures, Tr. Mosk. Energ. Inst., 1977, 336, 39. [all data]

Altunin, V.V.; Bondarenko, V.F.; Kuznetsov, D.O., Heat of mixing of gases at low pressures, High Temp. (Engl. Transl.), 1977, 15, 187. [all data]

Altunin, V.V.; Koposhilov, O.D., Thermal Properties of Gaseous Mixtures of Carbon Dioxide + Argon at Elevated Temperatures, Tr. Mosk. Energ. Inst., 1976, 313, 20. [all data]

Altunin, V.V., Teplofizicheskie Svoistva Dvuokisi Ugleroda, Standards Publ: Moscow, p. 546, 1975. [all data]

Altunin, V.V.; Dubinin, A.B.; Kopshilov, O.D., Compressibility of helium + carbon dioxide gas mixtures in the 303-373 k range and up to 250x10(5) pascals, Teploenergetika, 1975, No. 6, 77. [all data]

Altunin, V.V.; Gvozdkov, A.V.; Sosinovskii, V.K., Liquid-vapor phase equilibrium in binary systems with carbon dioxide, Tr. Mosk. Energ. Inst., 1974, 177, 28. [all data]

Altunin, V.V.; Koposhilov, O.D., Thermal properties of a carbon dioxide + helium gas mixture at increased pressures, Tr. Mosk. Energ. Inst., 1974, 179, 31. [all data]

Altunin, V.V.; Kuznetsov, D.O.; Bondarenko, V.F., Experimental investigation of thermodynamic properties of binary gas mixtures enthalpy isobaric specific heat, High Temp. (Engl. Transl.), 1974, 12, 440. [all data]

Altunin, V.V.; Bondarenko, V.F.; Kuznetsov, D.O., Enthalpy of binary gas mixtures, Teploenergetika, 1973, 11, 533. [all data]

Altunin, V.V.; Do, H.-C., Thermal properties of a carbon dioxide + nitrogen gas mixture at elevated pressures, Tr. Mosk. Energ. Inst., 1972, No. 111, 64. [all data]

Altunin, V.V.; Gureev, A.N., Investigating the joule-thomson effect and measuring the specific isobaric heat of carbon dioxide, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1972, 19, 1, 59. [all data]

Altunin, V.V.; Kuznetsov, D.O., Isobaric heat capacity of gaseous carbon dioxide near the saturation line, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1972, 6, 5, 67. [all data]

Altunin, V.V.; Gadetskii, O.G., Equation of state and thermodynamic properties of liquid and gaseous carbon dioxide, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1971, 18, 3, 81-84. [all data]

Vukalovich, M.P.; Altunin, V.V.; Bulle, Kh.; Rasskazov, D.S.; Ertel, D., Experimental study of the isothermal joule-thomson effect of carbon dioxide, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1970, 17, 5, 60. [all data]

Altunin, V.V.; Kuznetsov, D.O., Isobaric specific heat of carbon dioxide at subcritical pressures, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1970, 17, 11, 91. [all data]

Vukalovich, M.P.; Altunin, V.V.; Bulle, Kh.; Rasskazov, D.S.; Ertel, D., Experimental study of the isothermal joule-thomson effect of compressed gases, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1969, 16, 11, 70. [all data]

Vulkalovich, M.P.; Altunin, V.V.; Spiridonov, G.A., The equation of state and the thermodynamic properties of inert gases at the interval from the normal boiling point to 1300 k at pressures below 100 0 bar I krypton, J. Eng. Phys. (Engl. Transl.), 1969, 16, 352. [all data]

Altunin, V.V.; Kuznetsov, D.O., Isobaric heat capacity of carbon dioxide, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1969, 16, 8, 82-4. [all data]

Altunin, V.V.; Spiridonov, G.A.; Kaekin, V.S., Equation of state and thermodynamic properties of freon-21, Teploenergetika (Moscow), 1969, 16, 1, 79-83. [all data]

Vukalovich, M.P.; Altunin, V.V., Thermophysical Properties of CO2, Pergamon, London, 1968. [all data]