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8 matching references were found.

Garber, Yu.N.; Aleinikova, L.I.; Shashkov, Yu.I., Azeotropes of certain close-boiling isomers, Zh. Prikl. Khim. (Leningrad), 1972, 45, 572-74. [all data]

Garber, Yu.N.; Komarova, L.F.; Aleinikova, L.I.; Fomina, L.S., Rectification of the products formed by interaction of propylene oxide with ethyl and propyl alcohols, Zh. Prikl. Khim. (Leningrad), 1970, 43, 2658-65. [all data]

Gavrilov, B.G.; Molchanova, G.K.; Aleinikova, L.I., Alkylation of methylcyclohexane with propylene in nitromethane at various temperatures in presence of alumnium chloride promoted with ferric chloride, J. Appl. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1970, 43, 2747-54. [all data]

Abramenko, T.N.; Aleinikova, V.I.; Golovicher, L.E.; Kuz'mina, N.E., Correlation of experimental data on thermal conductivities of nitrogen, oxygen, and air at atmospheric pressure, Inzh.-Fiz. Zh., 1992, 63, 302-8. [all data]

Shashkov, A.G.; Abramenko, T.N.; Aleinikova, V.I.; Golovicher, L.E.; Kuz'mina, N.E.; Sagarda, M.V., Analysis of the results of a study of transport properties of inert gases at atmospheric pressure and at temperatures from the normal boiling point to 5000 K in Proc., 8 Vses. Konf.: Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshchestv, Ch. 1, AN SSSR. SO. In-t Teplofiz.: Novosibirsk, pp 184-9, 1989. [all data]

Shashkov, A.G.; Abramenko, T.N.; Aleinikova, V.I., Determination of true values of the thermal conductivity coefficient for helium and nitrogen at atmospheric pressure and temperatures fro the normal boiling points up to 6700 K, Inzh.-Fiz. Zh., 1985, 49, 83. [all data]

Shashkov, A.G.; Abramenko, T.N.; Aleinikova, V.I., Determination of actual values of thermal conductivity coefficients of inert gases at atmospheric pressure and temperature from normal boiling points to 6000 K, Inzh.-Fiz. Zh., 1985, 49, 256. [all data]

Shashkov, A.G.; Marchenkov, E.I.; Aleinikova, V.I.; Afshar, R.; Joshi, R.K.; Saxena, S.C., Thermal conductivity of neon, argon and their mixtures at high temperatures (400-1500 K), Therm. Conduct., 1978, 15, 223-34. [all data]