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Author:Adgaonkar, C.S.

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5 matching references were found.

Agnihotri, P.K.; Adgaonkar, C.S., Ultrasonic absorption studies in binary liquid mixtures, Acoust. Lett., 1989, 12, 121. [all data]

Adgaonkar, C.S.; Asole, A.W.; Deogaonkar, V.S., Excess free-volume of some binary liquid mixtures, Acta Cienc. Indica, Phys., 1988, 14, 191. [all data]

Fannon, M.A.; Twaij, D.A.A.; Khattab, W.O.; Adgaonkar, C.S., Excess free volume and some thermodynamic properties of certain binary liquid mixtures by ultrasonic measurements, Iraqi J. Sci., 1987, 28, 11. [all data]

Jajoo, S.N.; Adgaonkar, C.S.; Deogaonkar, V.S., Excess free volume and some thermodynamic properties of binary liquid mixtures by ultrasonic measurements, Acoust. Lett., 1982, 5, 11, 175-81. [all data]

Adgaonkar, C.S.; Deogaonkar, V.S.; Kher, V.G.; Potdar, N.B., Ultrasonic study of molecular association in binary liquid mixtures aniline, pyridine, quinoline and N,N-dimethylaniline in carbon tetrachloride, Acoust. Lett., 1977, 1, 11. [all data]