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6 matching references were found.

Acuna De Molina, M.A.; Loncharich, M.N., Dielectric properties of 2,3-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol, An. Asoc. Quim. Argent., 1987, 75, 661. [all data]

Bugeau de Hemsy, M.E.; Acuna De Molina, M.A.; Minano, A.S.; Lobo, P.W., Polarizabilities of some α-amino acids, An. Asoc. Quim. Argent., 1976, 64, 105-14. [all data]

Bugeau de Hemsy, M.E.; Acuna De Molina, M.A.; Minano, A.S.; Lobo, P.W., Dielectric behavior of aqueous urea and thiourea solutions, An. Asoc. Quim. Argent., 1975, 63, 243-50. [all data]

Molera, M.J.; Garcia Dominguez, J.A.; Acuna, A.U., Thermochemistry of oxidation reactions of 1,3-dioxolane, An. Quim., 1975, 71, 527-530. [all data]

Acuna-Cueva, R.; Hueso-Urena, F.; Cabeza, N.A.I.; Jimenez-Pulido, S.B.; Moreno-Carretero, M.N.; Martos, J.M.M., Quantitative structure-capillary column gas chromatographic retention time relationships for natural sterols (trimethylsilyl ethers) from olive oil, J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc., 2000, 77, 6, 627-630, . [all data]

Souto-Bachiller, F.A.; de Jesus-Echevarría, M.; Cárdenas-González, O.E.; Acuña-Rodriguez, M.F.; Meléndez, P.A.; Romero-Ramsey, L., Terpenoid composition of Lippia dulcis, Phytochemistry, 1997, 44, 6, 1077-1086, . [all data]