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Author:Acevedo, J.

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2 matching references were found.

Zenkevich, I.G.; Acevedo, J.M.; Aguilera, I.R., Increments of Gas Chromatographic Retention Indices for Characterization of Organic Reactions, Vestn. St. Petersb. Univ. Ser. 4: Fiz. Khim, 1991, 2, 51-56. [all data]

Acevedo-Martínez, J.; Escalona-Arranz, J.C.; Villar-Rojas, A.; Téllez-Palmero, F.; Pérez-Rosés, R.; González, L.; Carrasco-Velar, R., Quantitative study of the structure-retention index relationship in the imine family, J. Chromatogr. A, 2006, 1102, 1-2, 238-244, . [all data]