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Author:Abramenko, T.N.

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8 matching references were found.

Abramenko, T.N.; Aleinikova, V.I.; Golovicher, L.E.; Kuz'mina, N.E., Correlation of experimental data on thermal conductivities of nitrogen, oxygen, and air at atmospheric pressure, Inzh.-Fiz. Zh., 1992, 63, 302-8. [all data]

Shashkov, A.G.; Abramenko, T.N.; Aleinikova, V.I.; Golovicher, L.E.; Kuz'mina, N.E.; Sagarda, M.V., Analysis of the results of a study of transport properties of inert gases at atmospheric pressure and at temperatures from the normal boiling point to 5000 K in Proc., 8 Vses. Konf.: Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshchestv, Ch. 1, AN SSSR. SO. In-t Teplofiz.: Novosibirsk, pp 184-9, 1989. [all data]

Shashkov, A.G.; Abramenko, T.N.; Aleinikova, V.I., Determination of true values of the thermal conductivity coefficient for helium and nitrogen at atmospheric pressure and temperatures fro the normal boiling points up to 6700 K, Inzh.-Fiz. Zh., 1985, 49, 83. [all data]

Shashkov, A.G.; Abramenko, T.N.; Aleinikova, V.I., Determination of actual values of thermal conductivity coefficients of inert gases at atmospheric pressure and temperature from normal boiling points to 6000 K, Inzh.-Fiz. Zh., 1985, 49, 256. [all data]

Shashkov, A.G.; Kurbatov, V.A.; Zolotukhina, A.F.; Abramenko, T.N., Experimental Investigation of the Thermal Conductivity of Vapor-Gas Mixtures with Low Vapor Concentration, Inzh.-Fiz. Zh., 1983, 45, 275-282. [all data]

Shashkov, A.G.; Abramenko, T.N., The Thermal Conductivity of Binary Mixtures of Polar Gases, Inzh.-Fiz. Zh., 1968, 14, 322-328. [all data]

Luikov, A.V.; Shashkov, A.G.; Abramenko, T.N., Thermal Conductivity of Binary Gas Mixtures in Proc. 4th Symp. Thermophys. Prop. 411-415, 1968. [all data]

Shashkov, A.G.; Abramenko, T.N.; Kamchatov, F.P., The Account of Thermal Duffusion Effect on Experimental Determination of Gas Mixture Thermal Conductivity in Adv. Therm. Conduct., Int. Conf. Therm. Conduct. - 12th, 1973. [all data]