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11 matching references were found.
Aarts, J.F.M., Ion and electron impact ionisation of SiF4 studied via uv emission, Chem. Phys., 1986, 101, 1, 105, . [all data]
Aarts, J.F.M.; Callomon, J.H., Analysis of the v´´, Mol. Phys., 1987, 62, 3, 637, . [all data]
Aarts, J.F.M.; Callomon, J.H., Analysis of [Dtilde], Mol. Phys., 1994, 81, 6, 1383, . [all data]
Aarts, J.F.M.; Mason, S.M.; Tuckett, R.P., The, Mol. Phys., 1987, 60, 4, 761, . [all data]
Hatherly, P.A.; Codling, K.; Smith, D.M.; Tuckett, R.P.; Yoxall, K.R.; Aarts, J.F.M., Radiative decay of the 2T2 state of CF+4 measured by threshold photoelectron-fluorescence coicidence spectroscopy, Chem. Phys., 1993, 174, 3, 453, . [all data]
Smith, D.M.; Tuckett, R.P.; Yoxall, K.R.; Codling, K.; Hatherly, P.A.; Aarts, J.F.M.; Stankiewicz, M., Use of threshold electron and fluorescence coincidence techniques to probe the decay dynamics of the valence states of CF+4, SiF+4, SiCl+4, and GeCl+4, J. Chem. Phys., 1994, 101, 12, 10559, . [all data]
van Lonkhuyzen, H.; Aarts, J.F.M., Optical emission of GeF+4(D) produced by ion impact ionization of GeF4, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1987, 140, 4, 434, . [all data]
Aarts, J.F.M.; de Heer, F.J., Emission of radiation in the vacuum ultraviolet by impact of electrons on carbon monoxide, J. Chem. Phys., 1970, 52, 5354. [all data]
Aarts, J.F.M.; de Heer, F.J., Emission cross sections of the A1Π state of NO+, Physica (Amsterdam), 1971, 54, 609. [all data]
Aarts, J.F.M., A method for the measurement of radiative lifetimes in ions: the A2Πu level of F2+, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1984, 105, 114-118. [all data]
Tuckett, R.P.; Aarts, J.F.M.; van Lonkhuyzen, H., Radiative lifetime measurements of vibrational levels of Cl2+ A2Πu, Mol. Phys., 1986, 59, 845-855. [all data]