
Vibrational and/or electronic energy levels

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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data compiled by: Marilyn E. Jacox

State:   9G

 Med.   Transition   λmin 

Txd = 31750 gas 92G-42G Eden, Chang, et al., 1979
Geohegan and Eden, 1987
Greene and McKown, 1989
Schloss, Tran, et al., 1997

State:   6G

 Med.   Transition   λmin 

Txd = 14080 gas 62G-42G 590 840 Schloss, Tran, et al., 1997

State:   4G

 Med.   Transition   λmin 

Tx = 24400 T gas 340 480 Mangano, Jacob, et al., 1977
Basov, Danilychev, et al., 1977
Hunter, Oldenettel, et al., 1978
Lorents, Huestis, et al., 1978
Tx = 23240 Ne Bressler, Lawrence, et al., 1996
Tx = 22780 Ar Kunttu, Feld, et al., 1990
Tx = 22080 Kr Kunttu, Feld, et al., 1990

State:   ?

 Med.   Transition   λmin 

Tx = 36360 Kr Kunttu, Feld, et al., 1990

Additional references: Jacox, 1994, page 121; Jacox, 1998, page 210; Quigley and Hughes, 1978; Luches, Nassisi, et al., 1981


TTentative assignment or approximate value
xEnergy separation between the band maximum of the excited electronic state and the v = 0 level of the ground state.
dPhotodissociation threshold


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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Eden, Chang, et al., 1979
Eden, J.G.; Chang, R.S.F.; Palumbo, L.J., Absorption in the near-ultraviolet wing of the Kr2F*(410 nm) band, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-15, 1979, 15, 10, 1146, . [all data]

Geohegan and Eden, 1987
Geohegan, D.B.; Eden, J.G., Xe2Cl and Kr2F excited state (4 2Γ) absorption spectra: measurements of absolute cross sections, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1987, 139, 6, 519, . [all data]

Greene and McKown, 1989
Greene, D.P.; McKown, A.W., Transient absorption spectroscopy of Kr2F(42Γ), Appl. Phys. Lett., 1989, 54, 20, 1965, . [all data]

Schloss, Tran, et al., 1997
Schloss, J.H.; Tran, H.C.; Eden, J.G., Photodissociation of Kr[sub 2]F(4 [sup 2]Γ) in the ultraviolet and near-infrared: Wavelength dependence of KrF (B [sup 2]Σ) yield, J. Chem. Phys., 1997, 106, 13, 5423, . [all data]

Mangano, Jacob, et al., 1977
Mangano, J.A.; Jacob, J.H.; Rokni, M.; Hawryluk, A., Three-body quenching of KrF* by Ar and broad-band emission at 415 nm, Appl. Phys. Lett., 1977, 31, 1, 26, . [all data]

Basov, Danilychev, et al., 1977
Basov, N.G.; Danilychev, V.A., et al., Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., 1977, 26, 20. [all data]

Hunter, Oldenettel, et al., 1978
Hunter, R.O.; Oldenettel, J.; Howton, C.; McCusker, M.V., Gain measurements at 4416 A on ArXeF* and Kr2F*, J. Appl. Phys., 1978, 49, 2, 549, . [all data]

Lorents, Huestis, et al., 1978
Lorents, D.C.; Huestis, D.L.; McCusker, M.V.; Nakano, H.H.; Hill, R.M., Optical emissions of triatomic rare gas halides, J. Chem. Phys., 1978, 68, 10, 4657, . [all data]

Bressler, Lawrence, et al., 1996
Bressler, C.; Lawrence, W.G.; Schwentner, N., Spectroscopy of argon fluoride and krypton fluoride exciplexes in rare gas matrices, J. Chem. Phys., 1996, 105, 23, 10178, . [all data]

Kunttu, Feld, et al., 1990
Kunttu, H.; Feld, J.; Alimi, R.; Becker, A.; Apkarian, V.A., Charge transfer and radiative dissociation dynamics in fluorine-doped solid krypton and argon, J. Chem. Phys., 1990, 92, 8, 4856, . [all data]

Jacox, 1994
Jacox, M.E., Vibrational and electronic energy levels of polyatomic transient molecules, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1994, 464. [all data]

Jacox, 1998
Jacox, M.E., Vibrational and electronic energy levels of polyatomic transient molecules: supplement A, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 1998, 27, 2, 115-393, . [all data]

Quigley and Hughes, 1978
Quigley, G.P.; Hughes, W.M., Lifetime and quenching rate constants for Kr2F* and Kr2*, Appl. Phys. Lett., 1978, 32, 10, 649, . [all data]

Luches, Nassisi, et al., 1981
Luches, A.; Nassisi, V.; Perrone, A.; Perrone, M.R., Kr2F* and Kr*2 radiative lifetime measurements, Opt. Commun., 1981, 39, 5, 307, . [all data]


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