Species with data from:

Korepin, A.G.; Galkin, P.V.; Golovina, N.I.; Trofimova, R.F.; Avdonin, V.V.; Kirpichev, E.P.; Rubtsov, Yu.I.; Lagodzinskaya, G.V.; Loginova, M.V., Preparation and properties of secondary amides of 1,1-dinitroalkanecarboxylic acids, Russ. Chem. Bull. (Engl. Transl.), 1994, 43, 821-825.

3 matching species were found.

For each matching species the following will be displayed:

Click on the name to see more data.

  1. N-(3-Fluoro-3,3-dinitropropyl)-4,4,4-trinitrobutyramide (C7H9FN6O11)
  2. N-(2,2-Dinitro-2-fluoroethyl)-4,4,4-trinitrobutyramide (C6H7FN6O11)
  3. N-(2,2-Dinitro-2-fluoroethyl)acetamide (C4H6FN3O5)