C2H3O+ (structure unspecified)

Gas phase ion energetics data

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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Reactions leading to C2H3O+ (ion structure unspecified)

Precursor AP (eV) Other Products Method Reference Comment
C2H3BrO10.24BrPITraeger, McLouglin, et al., 1982 
C2H3BrO10.60BrEIMajer, Patrick, et al., 1961 
C2H3ClO10.78ClPITraeger, McLouglin, et al., 1982 
C2H3ClO11.25ClEIHaney and Franklin, 1969 
C2H3DO10.92DPIJochims, Lohr, et al., 1978 
C2H3FO12.3FEIMajer, Patrick, et al., 1961 
C2H3IO9.28IPITraeger, McLouglin, et al., 1982 
C2H4O11.3 ± 0.1HEIIraqi, Pri-Bar, et al., 1986 
C2H4O10.67HPITraeger, McLouglin, et al., 1982 
C2H4O11.0 ± 0.1HEIBurgers and Holmes, 1982 
C2H4O10.50 ± 0.05HPIPECOBombach, Stadelmann, et al., 1981 
C2H4O10.90HPIJochims, Lohr, et al., 1978 
C2H4O10.82HPIStaley, Wieting, et al., 1977 
C2H4O10.82 ± 0.03HPIWarneck, 1974 
C2H4O10.90 ± 0.03HPIKrassig, Reinke, et al., 1974 
C2H4O10.89 ± 0.03HPIPotapov and Sorokin, 1972 
C2H4O10.89HPIPotapov, Filyugina, et al., 1968 
C2H4O10.75 ± 0.08HEIShigorin, Filyugina, et al., 1966 
C2H4O10.5 ± 0.2HEIDorman, 1965 
C2H4O11.53 ± 0.05HEIBurgers and Holmes, 1982 
C2H4O11.62 ± 0.05HPIKrassig, Reinke, et al., 1974 
C2H4O12.1 ± 0.2HEIGallegos and Kiser, 1961 
C2H4O211.54OHPITraeger, McLouglin, et al., 1982 
C2H4O211.75OHEIHaney and Franklin, 1969 
C2H4O211.4 ± 0.15OHEIShigorin, Filyugina, et al., 1966 
C2H5NO11.70?EILoudon and Webb, 1977 
C2H6O14.5H2+HEIFriedman, Long, et al., 1957 
C3H3F3O11.45?EIMajer, Olavesen, et al., 1971 
C3H3F3O11.45CF3EIMajer, Patrick, et al., 1961 
C3H4Cl2O10.20CHCl2EIHolmes and Lossing, 1988 
C3H4N2O10.46 ± 0.05?EIFoffani, Pignataro, et al., 1963 
C3H4O210.65 ± 0.12CHOEIReed and Brand, 1958 
C3H5ClO10.29 ± 0.04CH2ClEIFoffani, Pignataro, et al., 1963 
C3H6Cl2O11.4 ± 0.05?EIBurgers, Holmes, et al., 1983 
C3H6O11.44CH3EIBernecker and Long, 1961 
C3H6O12.3 ± 0.05CH3EIBurgers and Holmes, 1982 
C3H6O10.79CH3PIStaley, Wieting, et al., 1977 
C3H6O11.03 ± 0.03CH3EITurecek and Hanus, 1984 
C3H6O10.38CH3PITraeger, McLouglin, et al., 1982 
C3H6O12.22CH3PEPowis and Danby, 1979 
C3H6O10.52 ± 0.02CH3PITrott, Blais, et al., 1978 
C3H6O10.36CH3PIStaley, Wieting, et al., 1977 
C3H6O10.30CH3EIMouvier and Hernandez, 1975 
C3H6O10.42 ± 0.03CH3PIPotapov and Sorokin, 1972 
C3H6O10.28 ± 0.05CH3EIJohnstone and Mellon, 1972 
C3H6O11.3CH3EIMajer, Olavesen, et al., 1971 
C3H6O10.28CH3EIJohnstone, Mellon, et al., 1970 
C3H6O10.42CH3PIPotapov, Filyugina, et al., 1968 
C3H6O10.2 ± 0.1CH3EIDorman, 1965 
C3H6O10.37CH3PIMurad and Inghram, 1964 
C3H6O10.72 ± 0.05CH3EIBurgers and Holmes, 1982 
C3H6O10.9 ± 0.2CH3EIGallegos and Kiser, 1961 
C3H6O212.2?EIKing and Long, 1958 
C3H6O210.3CH2OHEIArakawa, 1991 
C3H6O214.14?EICollin and Conde, 1966 
C3H6O211.05CH3OPITraeger, McLouglin, et al., 1982 
C3H6O210.9 ± 0.1CH3OEIBurgers and Holmes, 1982 
C3H6O210.94?EIHolmes and Lossing, 1979 
C3H6O211.37 ± 0.05CH3OEIHaney and Franklin, 1969 
C3H7NO12.40?EILoudon and Webb, 1977 
C4H4O12.10 ± 0.10C2HPEWillett and Baer, 1980 
C4H4O11.85C2HEIMajer, Patrick, et al., 1961 
C4H6O10.46 ± 0.05C2H3EIBurgers and Holmes, 1982 
C4H6O12.40C2H3EIMajer, Patrick, et al., 1961 
C4H6O10.5 ± 0.2?EIWada and Kiser, 1962 
C4H6O210.04 ± 0.05C2H3OEIHolmes and Lossing, 1986 
C4H6O210.0 ± 0.1CH3COEIBurgers, Holmes, et al., 1983 
C4H6O29.88C2H3OPITraeger, McLouglin, et al., 1982 
C4H6O29.88CH3COPIMurad and Inghram, 1964 
C4H6O310.14CH3COOPITraeger, McLouglin, et al., 1982 
C4H6O310.19 ± 0.02?PIShigorin, Filyugina, et al., 1967 
C4H7BrO10.22BrCHCH3EIHolmes and Lossing, 1988 
C4H7ClO10.12ClCHCH3EIHolmes and Lossing, 1988 
C4H7ClO10.42ClCH2CH2EIHolmes and Lossing, 1988 
C4H8O12.3 ± 0.1C2H4+HEIBurgers and Holmes, 1982 
C4H8O12.8 ± 0.2?EIGallegos and Kiser, 1962 
C4H8O10.19C2H5PITraeger and McAdoo, 1986 
C4H8O9.69C2H5PITraeger and McAdoo, 1986 
C4H8O9.69C2H5PITraeger and McAdoo, 1986 
C4H8O9.82C2H5PITraeger and McAdoo, 1986 
C4H8O9.68C2H5PITraeger and McAdoo, 1986 
C4H8O10.4 ± 0.1C2H5EIIraqi, Pri-Bar, et al., 1986 
C4H8O10.29C2H5PITraeger and McAdoo, 1986 
C4H8O10.32C2H5PITraeger, McLouglin, et al., 1982 
C4H8O10.69C2H5EIMouvier and Hernandez, 1975 
C4H8O10.30 ± 0.05C2H5PIPotapov and Sorokin, 1972 
C4H8O10.97C2H5EIPotzinger and Bunau, 1969 
C4H8O10.3C2H5PIMurad and Inghram, 1964, 2 
C4H8O211.96 ± 0.10C2H5OPIPECOFraser-Monteiro, Fraser-Monteiro, et al., 1982T = 298K
C4H8O212.92?EICollin and Conde, 1966 
C4H8O211.0 ± 0.15C2H5OPIPECOFraser-Monteiro, Fraser-Monteiro, et al., 1982, 2T = 298K
C4H8O211.7 ± 0.3C2H5OCEMSJalonen, Tedder, et al., 1980 
C4H8O211.75 ± 0.07C2H5OEIBrion and Dunning, 1963 
C4H8O213.1 ± 0.2?EIWada and Kiser, 1962 
C4H9NO12.55?EILoudon and Webb, 1977 
C4H9NO11.4 ± 0.1?EIGowenlock, Jones, et al., 1961 
C5H5F3O210.20C3H2F3OEIOrlov, Rashkes, et al., 1988 
C5H6O9.76 ± 0.05C3H3EIHolmes and Lossing, 1984 
C5H8O29.88 ± 0.05C3H5OEIHolmes and Lossing, 1986 
C5H9BrO10.42 ± 0.10C3H6BrEISuzer, Illenberger, et al., 1984 
C5H10O11.54C3H7EIPotzinger and Bunau, 1969 
C5H10O11.7 ± 0.2CH3+C2H4EILifshitz, Berger, et al., 1983 
C5H10O12.0 ± 0.1C2H4+CH3EIBurgers and Holmes, 1982 
C5H10O10.68?EIMouvier and Hernandez, 1975 
C5H10O10.4iso-C3H7PIMurad and Inghram, 1964, 2 
C5H10O313.16?EICollin and Conde, 1966 
C6H12O11.65?EIPotzinger and Bunau, 1969 
C6H12O10.8?PIMurad and Inghram, 1964, 2 
C6H12O~11.3?EIMouvier and Hernandez, 1975 
C6H12O11.0 ± 0.1C2H5+C2H4EILifshitz, Berger, et al., 1983 
C7H11NO13.5?EISchwarz and Bohlmann, 1973 
C7H13NO15.1?EISchwarz and Bohlmann, 1973 
C7H14O11.29C2H5+C3H6PITraeger and McAdoo, 1986 
C7H14O11.8 ± 0.1C2H5+C3H6EILifshitz, Berger, et al., 1983 
C7H14O11.83?EIPotzinger and Bunau, 1969 
C8H6Br2O212.36 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1972 
C8H6Br2O212.01 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1972 
C8H6Cl2O212.09 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1972 
C8H6Cl2O212.11 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1972 
C8H6F2O212.00 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1972 
C8H6F2O212.24 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1972 
C8H6I2O212.02 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1972 
C8H6I2O212.15 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1972 
C8H7BrO212.24 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1971 
C8H7BrO212.9 ± 0.2?EIGamble, Gilbert, et al., 1971 
C8H7BrO213.06 ± 0.03Cyclo-C6H4EIBenezra and Bursey, 1971 
C8H7BrO212.4 ± 0.2?EIGamble, Gilbert, et al., 1971 
C8H7Br2NO13.10 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1972 
C8H7Br2NO13.21 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1972 
C8H7ClO212.4 ± 0.2?EIGamble, Gilbert, et al., 1971 
C8H7ClO212.55 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1971 
C8H7ClO212.7 ± 0.2?EIGamble, Gilbert, et al., 1971 
C8H7ClO212.39 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1971 
C8H7Cl2NO13.40 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1972 
C8H7Cl2NO13.08 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1972 
C8H7FO212.23 ± 0.03C6H4FOEIBenezra and Bursey, 1971 
C8H7FO212.72 ± 0.03C6H4FOEIBenezra and Bursey, 1971 
C8H7F2NO13.80 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1972 
C8H7F2NO13.18 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1972 
C8H7IO212.47 ± 0.03C6H4IOEIBenezra and Bursey, 1971 
C8H7IO212.74 ± 0.03C6H4IOEIBenezra and Bursey, 1971 
C8H7NO410.9 ± 0.2?EIGamble, Gilbert, et al., 1971 
C8H7NO410.9 ± 0.2?EIGamble, Gilbert, et al., 1971 
C8H8BrNO13.96 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1971 
C8H8BrNO14.68 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1971 
C8H8ClNO13.91 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1971 
C8H8ClNO13.00 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1971 
C8H8FNO13.42 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1971 
C8H8FNO13.59 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1971 
C8H8INO13.56 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1971 
C8H8INO13.16 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1971 
C8H8O11.40 ± 0.28?EIFoffani, Pignataro, et al., 1963 
C8H8O212.8 ± 0.2cyclo-C6H5EIGamble, Gilbert, et al., 1971 
C8H8O212.83 ± 0.03C6H5OEIBenezra and Bursey, 1971 
C8H9NO13.22 ± 0.03?EIBenezra and Bursey, 1971 
C8H16O12.04?EIPotzinger and Bunau, 1969 
C9H8O412.5 ± 0.2C6H4(COOH)EIGamble, Gilbert, et al., 1971 
C9H10O213.8 ± 0.2C6H4(CH3)OEIGamble, Gilbert, et al., 1971 
C9H10O214.0 ± 0.2?EIGamble, Gilbert, et al., 1971 
C9H10O314.6 ± 0.2C6H4(OCH3)EIGamble, Gilbert, et al., 1971 
C9H10O313.9 ± 0.2C6H4(OCH3)EIGamble, Gilbert, et al., 1971 
C9H18O12.24?EIPotzinger and Bunau, 1969 
C10H11ClO211.60?EIAudier, Bouchoux, et al., 1971 
C10H12O211.70?EIAudier, Bouchoux, et al., 1971 
C10H13NO212.30?EIAudier, Bouchoux, et al., 1971 
C10H18N2O411.60?EIDay, Gowenlock, et al., 1978 
C10H18N2O610.20?EIDay, Gowenlock, et al., 1978 
C11H14O211.90?EIAudier, Bouchoux, et al., 1971 
C11H14O211.90?EIAudier, Bouchoux, et al., 1971 
C11H14O312.20?EIAudier, Bouchoux, et al., 1971 
C11H14O311.80?EIAudier, Bouchoux, et al., 1971 
C12H22N2O410.40?EIDay, Gowenlock, et al., 1978 


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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

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