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Phase change data

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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data compiled as indicated in comments:
TRC - Thermodynamics Research Center, NIST Boulder Laboratories, Chris Muzny director
BS - Robert L. Brown and Stephen E. Stein
AC - William E. Acree, Jr., James S. Chickos
DRB - Donald R. Burgess, Jr.
ALS - Hussein Y. Afeefy, Joel F. Liebman, and Stephen E. Stein
DH - Eugene S. Domalski and Elizabeth D. Hearing
CAL - James S. Chickos, William E. Acree, Jr., Joel F. Liebman, Students of Chem 202 (Introduction to the Literature of Chemistry), University of Missouri -- St. Louis

Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
Tboil455.0 ± 0.6KAVGN/AAverage of 25 out of 27 values; Individual data points
Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
Tfus314. ± 1.KAVGN/AAverage of 60 out of 61 values; Individual data points
Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
Ttriple314.06KN/AAndon, Counsell, et al., 1963Uncertainty assigned by TRC = 0.01 K; TRC
Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
Tc694.3KN/ADelaunois, 1968Uncertainty assigned by TRC = 0.4 K; TRC
Tc694.25KN/AAmbrose, 1963Uncertainty assigned by TRC = 0.15 K; TRC
Tc692.4KN/ARadice, 1899Uncertainty assigned by TRC = 2. K; TRC
Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
Pc58.52atmN/ADelaunois, 1968Uncertainty assigned by TRC = 0.7742 atm; TRC
Pc60.5000atmN/AHerz and Neukirch, 1923Uncertainty assigned by TRC = 0.8000 atm; TRC
Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
Δvap14.1kcal/molCGCChickos, Hosseini, et al., 1995Based on data from 393. to 433. K.; AC
Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment
Δsub16.7 ± 0.2kcal/molMEParsons, Rochester, et al., 1971Based on data from 230. to 273. K.; AC
Δsub16.4kcal/molN/ACox, 1961DRB
Δsub16.41 ± 0.12kcal/molVAndon, Biddiscombe, et al., 1960ALS
Δsub16.4kcal/molN/AAndon, Biddiscombe, et al., 1960DRB

Enthalpy of vaporization

ΔvapH (kcal/mol) Temperature (K) Method Reference Comment
12.7378.EBChylinski, Fras, et al., 2001Based on data from 363. to 391. K.; AC
11.8470.AStephenson and Malanowski, 1987Based on data from 455. to 655. K.; AC
13.7329.AStephenson and Malanowski, 1987Based on data from 314. to 395. K.; AC
12.2402.AStephenson and Malanowski, 1987Based on data from 387. to 456. K.; AC
11.2464.AStephenson and Malanowski, 1987Based on data from 449. to 526. K.; AC
10.5535.AStephenson and Malanowski, 1987Based on data from 520. to 625. K.; AC
12.3398.EB,GSStephenson and Malanowski, 1987Based on data from 383. to 473. K. See also Andon, Biddiscombe, et al., 1960, 2 and Dykyj, 1972.; AC
12.3395.N/ADreisbach and Shrader, 1949Based on data from 380. to 455. K. See also Dreisbach and Martin, 1949 and Boublik, Fried, et al., 1984.; AC
11.5434.N/AGoldblum, Martin, et al., 1947Based on data from 414. to 454. K.; AC

Antoine Equation Parameters

log10(P) = A − (B / (T + C))
    P = vapor pressure (atm)
    T = temperature (K)

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Temperature (K) A B C Reference Comment
380.30 to 454.904.241171509.677-98.949Dreisbach and Shrader, 1949Coefficents calculated by NIST from author's data.

Enthalpy of sublimation

ΔsubH (kcal/mol) Temperature (K) Method Reference Comment
15.6 ± 0.79280.HSAChickos, 1975Based on data from 263. to 298. K.; AC
16.4 ± 0.1282. to 313.GSAndon, Biddiscombe, et al., 1960, 2See also Cox and Pilcher, 1970.; AC
16.3293.MESklyarenko, Markin, et al., 1958Based on data from 283. to 303. K.; AC
16.3292.N/ANitta and Seki, 1948Based on data from 270. to 313. K.; AC
16.2278. to 305.TEBalson, 1947See also Jones, 1960.; AC

Enthalpy of fusion

ΔfusH (kcal/mol) Temperature (K) Reference Comment
2.7519314.06Andon, Counsell, et al., 1963, 2DH
2.8979314.13Mastrangelo, 1957DH
2.751314.Inozemtsev, Liakumovich, et al., 1972See also Domalski and Hearing, 1996.; AC
2.5289312.7Eykman, 1889DH

Entropy of fusion

ΔfusS (cal/mol*K) Temperature (K) Reference Comment
8.762314.06Andon, Counsell, et al., 1963, 2DH
7.96314.Bret-Dibat and Lichanot, 1989CAL
8.08312.7Eykman, 1889DH

In addition to the Thermodynamics Research Center (TRC) data available from this site, much more physical and chemical property data is available from the following TRC products:


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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Andon, Counsell, et al., 1963
Andon, R.J.L.; Counsell, J.F.; Herington, E.F.G.; Martin, J.F., Thermodyn. prop. of organic oxygen compds., part 7- calorimetric study of phenol from 12 to330o K, Trans. Faraday Soc., 1963, 59, 830. [all data]

Delaunois, 1968
Delaunois, C., Effect of the Filling Rate of a Reactor on the Vapor Tension and the Temperature at the Beginning of Cracking of Phenols at High Pressures, Ann. Mines Belg., 1968, No. 1, 9-16. [all data]

Ambrose, 1963
Ambrose, D., Critical Temperatures of Some Phenols and Other Organic Compounds, Trans. Faraday Soc., 1963, 59, 1988. [all data]

Radice, 1899
Radice, G., , Ph. D. Thesis, Univ. of Geneve, 1899. [all data]

Herz and Neukirch, 1923
Herz, W.; Neukirch, E., On Knowldge of the Critical State, Z. Phys. Chem., Stoechiom. Verwandtschaftsl., 1923, 104, 433-50. [all data]

Chickos, Hosseini, et al., 1995
Chickos, James S.; Hosseini, Sarah; Hesse, Donald G., Determination of vaporization enthalpies of simple organic molecules by correlations of changes in gas chromatographic net retention times, Thermochimica Acta, 1995, 249, 41-62, . [all data]

Parsons, Rochester, et al., 1971
Parsons, G.H.; Rochester, C.H.; Wood, C.E.C., Effect of 4-substitution on the thermodynamics of hydration of phenol and the phenoxide anion, J. Chem. Soc., B:, 1971, 533, . [all data]

Cox, 1961
Cox, J.D., The heats of combustion of phenol and the three cresols, Pure Appl. Chem., 1961, 2, 125-128. [all data]

Andon, Biddiscombe, et al., 1960
Andon, R.J.L.; Biddiscombe, D.P.; Cox, J.D.; Handley, R.; Harrop, D.; Herington, E.F.G.; Martin, J.F., Thermodynamic properties of organic oxygen compounds. Part I. Preparation and physical properties of pure phenol, cresols, and xylenols, J. Chem. Soc., 1960, 5246-5254. [all data]

Chylinski, Fras, et al., 2001
Chylinski, K.; Fras, Z.; Malanowski, S.K., Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium in Phenol + 2-Ethoxyethanol at 363.15 to 383.15 K, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2001, 46, 1, 29-33, . [all data]

Stephenson and Malanowski, 1987
Stephenson, Richard M.; Malanowski, Stanislaw, Handbook of the Thermodynamics of Organic Compounds, 1987, . [all data]

Andon, Biddiscombe, et al., 1960, 2
Andon, R.J.L.; Biddiscombe, D.P.; Cox, J.D.; Handley, R.; Harrop, D.; Herington, E.F.G.; Martin, J.F., 1009. Thermodynamic properties of organic oxygen compounds. Part I. Preparation and physical properties of pure phenol, cresols, and xylenols, J. Chem. Soc., 1960, 5246, . [all data]

Dykyj, 1972
Dykyj, J., Petrochemia, 1972, 12, 1, 13. [all data]

Dreisbach and Shrader, 1949
Dreisbach, R.R.; Shrader, S.A., Vapor Pressure--Temperature Data on Some Organic Compounds, Ind. Eng. Chem., 1949, 41, 12, 2879-2880, . [all data]

Dreisbach and Martin, 1949
Dreisbach, R.R.; Martin, R.A., Physical Data on Some Organic Compounds, Ind. Eng. Chem., 1949, 41, 12, 2875-2878, . [all data]

Boublik, Fried, et al., 1984
Boublik, T.; Fried, V.; Hala, E., The Vapour Pressures of Pure Substances: Selected Values of the Temperature Dependence of the Vapour Pressures of Some Pure Substances in the Normal and Low Pressure Region, 2nd ed., Elsevier, New York, 1984, 972. [all data]

Goldblum, Martin, et al., 1947
Goldblum, K.B.; Martin, R.W.; Young, R.B., Vapor Pressure Data for Phenols, Ind. Eng. Chem., 1947, 39, 11, 1474-1476, . [all data]

Chickos, 1975
Chickos, James Speros, A simple equilibrium method for determining heats of sublimation, J. Chem. Educ., 1975, 52, 2, 134-39, . [all data]

Cox and Pilcher, 1970
Cox, J.D.; Pilcher, G., Thermochemistry of Organic and Organometallic Compounds, Academic Press Inc., London, 1970, 643. [all data]

Sklyarenko, Markin, et al., 1958
Sklyarenko, S.I.; Markin, B.I.; Belyaeva, L.B., Zh. Fiz. Khim., 1958, 32, 1916. [all data]

Nitta and Seki, 1948
Nitta, I.; Seki, S., J. Chem. Soc. Jpn. Pure Chem. Sect., 1948, 69, 141. [all data]

Balson, 1947
Balson, E.W., Studies in vapour pressure measurement, Part III.?An effusion manometer sensitive to 5 «65533» 10?6 millimetres of mercury: vapour pressure of D.D.T. and other slightly volatile substances, Trans. Faraday Soc., 1947, 43, 54, . [all data]

Jones, 1960
Jones, A.H., Sublimation Pressure Data for Organic Compounds., J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1960, 5, 2, 196-200, . [all data]

Andon, Counsell, et al., 1963, 2
Andon, R.J.L.; Counsell, J.F.; Herington, E.F.G.; Martin, J.F., Thermodynamic properties of organic oxygen compounds, Trans. Faraday Soc., 1963, 59, 830-835. [all data]

Mastrangelo, 1957
Mastrangelo, S.V.R., Adiabatic calorimeter for determination of cryoscopic data, Anal. Chem., 1957, 29(5), 841-845. [all data]

Inozemtsev, Liakumovich, et al., 1972
Inozemtsev, P.P.; Liakumovich, A.G.; Gracheva, Z.D., Russ. J. Phys. Chem., 1972, 46, 6, 914. [all data]

Domalski and Hearing, 1996
Domalski, Eugene S.; Hearing, Elizabeth D., Heat Capacities and Entropies of Organic Compounds in the Condensed Phase. Volume III, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 1996, 25, 1, 1, . [all data]

Eykman, 1889
Eykman, J.F., Zur kryoskopischen Molekulargewichtsbestimmung, Z. Physik. Chem., 1889, 4, 497-519. [all data]

Bret-Dibat and Lichanot, 1989
Bret-Dibat, P.; Lichanot, A., Proprietes thermodynamiques des isomeres de position de benzenes disubstitues en phase condensee, Thermochim. Acta, 1989, 147, 2, 261, . [all data]


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