Methyl-d3 radical

Vibrational and/or electronic energy levels

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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Data compiled by: Marilyn E. Jacox

State:   4f 2E'?

 Med.   Transition   λmin 

To = 72431 gas Hudgens, DiGiuseppe, et al., 1983

State:   4p 2A2

 Med.   Transition   λmin 

To = 69777.40 ± 0.04 gas Black and Powis, 1988

State:   3d 2A1'

 Med.   Transition   λmin 

To = 66715 gas 3d2A1'-X 145 150 Herzberg and Shoosmith, 1956
Herzberg, 1961
To = 66500 T Ar 3d2A1'-X 150 151 Milligan and Jacox, 1967

 No.   Approximate 
 type of mode 
 cm-1   Med.   Method   References

a2 2 OPLA 1040 H gas AB Herzberg, 1961

State:   3d 2E

 Med.   Transition   λmin 

To = 66465 gas 3d2E''-X 146 150 Herzberg and Shoosmith, 1956
Herzberg, 1961
DiGiuseppe, Hudgens, et al., 1982
To = 66500 T Ar 3d2E''-X 150 151 Milligan and Jacox, 1967

 No.   Approximate 
 type of mode 
 cm-1   Med.   Method   References

a2 2 OPLA 1031 H gas AB MPI Herzberg, 1961
DiGiuseppe, Hudgens, et al., 1982

State:   3p 2A2

 Med.   Transition   λmin 

To = 59886 gas Hudgens, DiGiuseppe, et al., 1983
Parker, Wang, et al., 1989

 No.   Approximate 
 type of mode 
 cm-1   Med.   Method   References

a1' 1 CD stretch 2106 gas MPI Hudgens, DiGiuseppe, et al., 1983
Parker, Wang, et al., 1989
Zhang, Zhang, et al., 2005
a2 2 OPLA 1065 gas MPI Hudgens, DiGiuseppe, et al., 1983
Parker, Wang, et al., 1989
Zhang, Zhang, et al., 2005
e' 3 CD stretch 2346 gas MPI Zhang, Zhang, et al., 2005
4 Deformation 1048 gas MPI Zhang, Zhang, et al., 2005

State:   3s 2A1'

 Med.   Transition   λmin 

To = 46629 gas 3s2A1'-X 204 225 Herzberg and Shoosmith, 1956
Herzberg, 1961
Callear and Metcalfe, 1976
Westre, Gansberg, et al., 1992

 No.   Approximate 
 type of mode 
 cm-1   Med.   Method   References

a1' 1 CD stretch 1684 T gas AB Callear and Metcalfe, 1976
a2 2 OPLA 1094 gas AB Ra Callear and Metcalfe, 1976
Westre, Gansberg, et al., 1992

State:   X

 No.   Approximate 
 type of mode 
 cm-1   Med.   Method   References

a1' 1 CD stretch 2157.5 ± 0.2 gas Ra CARS Westre and Kelly, 1989
Miller, Burton, et al., 1989
a2 2 OPLA 457.81 gas DL Frye, Sears, et al., 1988
Sears, Frye, et al., 1989
2 OPLA 463 s Ne IR Snelson, 1970
2 OPLA 453 Ar IR Milligan and Jacox, 1967
Jacox, 1977
2 OPLA 463 N2 IR Milligan and Jacox, 1967
e' 3 CD stretch 2381.09 gas IR Fawzy, Sears, et al., 1990
Rudolph, Hall, et al., 1996
3 CD stretch 2381 w Ne IR Snelson, 1970
3 CD stretch 2369 Ar IR Pacansky and Bargon, 1975
4 Deformation 1026 w Ne IR Snelson, 1970
4 Deformation 1029 Ar IR Pacansky and Bargon, 1975


TTentative assignment or approximate value
oEnergy separation between the v = 0 levels of the excited and electronic ground states.


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Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Hudgens, DiGiuseppe, et al., 1983
Hudgens, J.W.; DiGiuseppe, T.G.; Lin, M.C., Two photon resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization spectroscopy and state assignments of the methyl radical, J. Chem. Phys., 1983, 79, 2, 571, . [all data]

Black and Powis, 1988
Black, J.F.; Powis, I., Rotational structure and predissociation dynamics of the methyl 4pz(v=0) Rydberg state investigated by resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization spectroscopy, J. Chem. Phys., 1988, 89, 7, 3986, . [all data]

Herzberg and Shoosmith, 1956
Herzberg, G.; Shoosmith, J., Absorption spectrum of free CH3 and CD3 radicals, Can. J. Phys., 1956, 34, 523. [all data]

Herzberg, 1961
Herzberg, G., The Bakerian Lecture. The Spectra and Structures of Free Methyl and Free Methylene, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A262, 1961, 262, 1310, 291, . [all data]

Milligan and Jacox, 1967
Milligan, D.E.; Jacox, M.E., Infrared and Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Study of the Products of the Vacuum-Ultraviolet Photolysis of Methane in Ar and N2 Matrices. The Infrared Spectrum of the Free Radical CH3, J. Chem. Phys., 1967, 47, 12, 5146, . [all data]

DiGiuseppe, Hudgens, et al., 1982
DiGiuseppe, T.G.; Hudgens, J.W.; Lin, M.C., Multiphoton ionization of methyl radicals in the gas phase, J. Phys. Chem., 1982, 86, 1, 36, . [all data]

Parker, Wang, et al., 1989
Parker, D.H.; Wang, Z.W.; Janssen, M.H.M.; Chandler, D.W., Laser ionization spectroscopy of CD3 via the 3pz 2A'2 Rydberg state, J. Chem. Phys., 1989, 90, 1, 60, . [all data]

Zhang, Zhang, et al., 2005
Zhang, B.; Zhang, J.; Liu, K., Imaging the "missing" bands in the resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization detection of methyl radical, J. Chem. Phys., 2005, 122, 10, 104310, . [all data]

Callear and Metcalfe, 1976
Callear, A.B.; Metcalfe, M.P., Oscillator strengths of the bands of the B2 A´1---X2 A´´2 system of CD3 and a spectroscopic measurement of the recombination rate comparison with CH3, Chem. Phys., 1976, 14, 2, 275, . [all data]

Westre, Gansberg, et al., 1992
Westre, S.G.; Gansberg, T.E.; Kelly, P.B.; Ziegler, L.D., Structure and dynamics of higher vibronic levels in the methyl radical Rydberg 3s state, J. Phys. Chem., 1992, 96, 9, 3610, . [all data]

Westre and Kelly, 1989
Westre, S.G.; Kelly, P.B., Examination of CD3 vibrational structure by resonance Raman spectroscopy, J. Chem. Phys., 1989, 90, 12, 6977, . [all data]

Miller, Burton, et al., 1989
Miller, J.T.; Burton, K.A.; Weisman, R.B.; Wu, W.-X.; Engel, P.S., Cars spectroscopy of gas phase CD3, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1989, 158, 3-4, 179, . [all data]

Frye, Sears, et al., 1988
Frye, J.M.; Sears, T.J.; Leitner, D., Diode laser spectroscopy of the ν2 band of CD3, J. Chem. Phys., 1988, 88, 9, 5300, . [all data]

Sears, Frye, et al., 1989
Sears, T.J.; Frye, J.M.; Spirko, V.; Kraemer, W.P., Extended measurements of the ν2 band of CD3 and the determination of the vibrational potential function for methyl, J. Chem. Phys., 1989, 90, 4, 2125, . [all data]

Snelson, 1970
Snelson, A., Infrared matrix isolation spectrum of the methyl radical produced by pyrolysis of methyl iodide and dimethyl mercury, J. Phys. Chem., 1970, 74, 3, 537, . [all data]

Jacox, 1977
Jacox, M.E., Matrix isolation study of the infrared spectrum and structure of the CH3 free radical, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 1977, 66, 2, 272, . [all data]

Fawzy, Sears, et al., 1990
Fawzy, W.M.; Sears, T.J.; Davies, P.B., Infrared diode laser spectroscopy of the ν3 fundamental of the CD3 radical, J. Chem. Phys., 1990, 92, 12, 7021, . [all data]

Rudolph, Hall, et al., 1996
Rudolph, R.N.; Hall, G.E.; Sears, T.J., Measurement of the ν3 fundamental transition moment and vibrational relaxation rates of the CD3 radical, J. Chem. Phys., 1996, 105, 18, 7889, . [all data]

Pacansky and Bargon, 1975
Pacansky, J.; Bargon, J., Low temperature photochemical studies on acetyl benzoyl peroxide. Observation of methyl and phenyl radicals by matrix isolation infrared spectroscopy, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1975, 97, 23, 6896, . [all data]


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