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3 matching references were found.

Zaretskii, V.I.; Sadovskaya, V.L.; Wulfson, N.S.; Sizoy, V.F.; Merimson, V.G., Mass spectrometry of steroid systems-XXI. Appearance and ionization potentials for the stereoisomers of the D-homoestrane series, Org. Mass Spectrom., 1971, 5, 1179. [all data]

Zaikin, V.G.; Wulfson, N.S., Ionization and appearance potentials in organic chemistry, Org. Mass Spectrom., 1978, 13, 680. [all data]

Zaikin, V.G.; Wulfson, N.S., Dissociation energies of axial and equatorial carbon-carbon bonds in substituted decahydroquinolols, Tetrahedron Lett., 1978, 32, 2935. [all data]