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21 matching references were found.

Tsvetkov, O.B.; Laptev, Y.A., Thermal Conductivity of Difluoromonochloromethane in the Critical Region, Int. J. Thermophys., 1991, 12, 1, 53-65, . [all data]

Tsvetkov, O.B.; Laptev, Yu.A.; Vasilkov, A.I., The Results of Measurements of Thermal Conductivity of Gaseous Freons with the Heating Wire Method, Mashiny i Apparaty Kholodil'n., Kriogen. Tekhn. i Konditsionir. Vozdukha., 1977, 2, 54-56. [all data]

Tsvetkov, O.B.; Laptev, Yu.A.; Asambaev, A.G., The thermal conductivity of binary mixtures of liquid R22 and R142b and R15 2a at low temperatures, Int. J. Thermophys., 1996, 17, 597-606. [all data]

Tsvetkov, O.B.; Kletskii, A.V.; Laptev, Yu.A.; Asambaev, A.J.; Zausaev, I.A., Thermal conductivity and PVT measurements of pentafluoroethane ( refrigerant HFC-125), Int. J. Thermophys., 1995, 16, 1185-92. [all data]

Tsvetkov, O.B.; Laptev, Yu.A.; Asambaev, A.G., Experimental study and correlation of the thermal conductivity of 1,1,1,2- tetrafluoroethane (R134a) in the rarefied gas state, Int. J. Refrig., 1995, 18, 373-7. [all data]

Tsvetkov, O.B.; Laptev, Yu.A.; Asambaev, A.G., Thermal conductivity of refrigerants R123, R134a, and R125 at Low Temperatures, Int. J. Thermophys., 1994, 15, 203-14. [all data]

Tsvetkov, O.B.; Asambaev, A.Z., Thermal conductivity of refrigerant R134a in the rarefied-gas state, Teploobmen. Protsessy v Kholod. Tekhn. i Teplofiz. Svoist- va Rab. Tel, Leningr. Tekhnol. In-t Kholod. Prom-sti, 1991, 1991, 72-9. [all data]

Tsvetkov, O.B., Thermal Conductivity of Liquid Freons of Methane and Ethane Rows, Kholod. Tekh., 1965, 42, 4, 28-31. [all data]

Tsvetkov, O.B., Investigation of the Thermal Conductivity of Liquid Freons, Inzh.-Fiz. Zh., 1965, 9, 810-5. [all data]

Tsvetkov, O.B.; Laptev, Yu.A., Thermal conductivity of difluorochloromethane in Teplofiz. Svoistva Vesch. Mater., Collect. Vol., No. 28, Sychev, V. V., Ed., Standards Publ.: Moscow, 129-39, 1989. [all data]

Tsvetkov, O.B.; Laptev, Yu.A., Transport properties of gaseous Freon-11, Vestsi Akad. Navuk BSSR, Ser. Fiz.-Energ. Navuk, 1987, No. 3, 58. [all data]

Tsvetkov, O.B.; Laptev, Yu.A., Thermal conductivity of binary mixtures of gaseous refrigerants, Kholod. Tekh., 1985, No. 5, 47. [all data]

Tsvetkov, O.B.; Markovtsev, B.G.; Laptev, Yu.A., Thermal conductivity of R12-R13 and R13-R14 binary mixtures, Kholod. Tekh., 1985, No. 7, 34. [all data]

Tsvetkov, O.B., Teploprovodnost' Kholodilnykh Agentov, Lenigrad. Univ. Press, Leningrad, 1984. [all data]

Tsvetkov, O.B.; Laptev, Yu.A., Thermal Conductivities of Freons and Their Binary Mixtures in Proc. Symp. Thermophys. Prop., 8th, 1981, Gaithersburg, Vol. II, Sengers, J. V., Ed., ASME: New York, p 396, 1982. [all data]

Tsvetkov, O.B.; Chilipenok, Yu.S., Experimental study of the thermal conductivity of Freon mixtures by the monotonic warm-up method, Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshchestv Mater., 1980, 15, 66-76. [all data]

Tsvetkov, O.B.; Danilova, G.N.; Vasilkov, A.I., Application of Instationary Method of Heating Monotone for Study of Liquid Carbon Dioxide, Inzh.-Fiz. Zh., 1980, 39, 1111. [all data]

Tsvetkov, O.B.; Laptev, Yu.A.; Poliakova, N.A., Measurement and Analysis of the Thermal Conductivity of Gaseous Freons in Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshchestv Mater., Collect. Vol., No. 15, Sychev, V. V., Ed., Standards Publ.: Moscow, 58-65, 1980. [all data]

Tsvetkov, O.B.; Laptev, Yu.A.; Vasilkov, A.I., Measurement Results of the Thermal Conductivity of Gaseous Freons by Hot- Wire Method in Mash. Appar. Kholod. Kriog. Tekh. Kondicion. Vozdukha, Coll. Vol., No. 2, Tekhnol. Inst. Kholod. Promst. Press: Leningrad, 54-6, 1977. [all data]

Tsvetkov, O.B.; Chilipenok, Yu.S.; Danilova, G.N., Thermal Conductivity of Liquid Refrigerants Mixtures, Kholod. Tekh., 1976, 53, 12, 17-9. [all data]

Tsvetkov, O.B., Thermal Conductivity of Gaseous Dichlorodifluoromethane, Inzh.-Fiz. Zh., 1969, 16, 510-5. [all data]