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10 matching references were found.

Skrbic, B.; Djurisic-Mladenovic, N.; Cvejanov, J., Discrimination between linear and non-linear models for retention indices of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the so-called Lee's scale, Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst., 2004, 72, 2, 167-171, . [all data]

Skrbic, B.; Onjia, A., Prediction of Lee Retention Indices of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Artificial Neural Networks, J. Chromatorg. A, 2006, 1108, 2, 279-284, . [all data]

Sremac, S.; Skrbic, B.; Onjia, A., Artificial neural network prediction of quantitative structure-retention relationships of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in gas chromatography, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., 2005, 70, 11, 1291-1300, . [all data]

Skrbic, B.D.; Cvejanov, J.Dj., Correlation of unified retention indices for OV-101 and squalane, Chromatographia, 1993, 35, 1/2, 109-110, . [all data]

Skrbic, B.D.; Cvejanov, J.Dj., Unified retention indices of hydrocarbons on BP-1 dimethylsiloxane stationary phase, Chromatographia, 1992, 34, 1/2, 83-84, . [all data]

Skrbic, B.D., Unified retention concept -- statistical treatment of Kováts retention index, J. Chromatogr. A, 1997, 764, 2, 257-264, . [all data]

Skrbic, B.D., Comparison of correlation equations for the prediction of gas chromatographic separation of alkylbenzenes, Chromatographia, 1995, 41, 3/4, 183-186, . [all data]

Skrbic, B.D.; Cvejanov, J.Dj., Unified retention indices of alkylbenzenes on OV-101 and SE-30, Chromatographia, 1993, 37, 3/4, 215-217, . [all data]

Skrbic, B.D.; Vojinovic-Miloradov, M.B., A contribution to the qualitative GC analysis of some non-chlorinated xenobiotic chemicals in waste waters, Water Sci. Technol., 1994, 30, 3, 91-93. [all data]

Skrbic, B.D., Unified retention indices of some alkylbenzenes and bicyclic aromatic and related compounds on OV-101 and SE-30, J. Serb. Chem. Soc., 1994, 59, 3, 153-155. [all data]