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Author:Schultze, G.

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5 matching references were found.

Boberg, F.; Winter, G.; Schultze, G., Ann. Chem., 1959, 621, 8. [all data]

Rothlin, S.; Cruetzen, J.L.; Schultze, G.R., Liquid-liquid equilibriums in some ternary systems and countercurrent extraction in a horizontal tube: I principles., Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 1957, 29, 211-9. [all data]

Hubert, H.J.; Schultze, G.R., Refraction values and densities in homologous hydrocarbon series theoretical interpretation of the empirical relations found by s smittenberg and d mulder, Z. Elektrochem., 1957, 61, 1261-70. [all data]

Stage, H.; Schultze, G.R., A general method for the determination of the number of theoretical plates at total reflux: IV laboratory distillation, Oel Kohle, 1944, 40, 90-5. [all data]

Schultze, G.R.; Stage, H., The phase equilibrium of C6H6-N-Heptane. richter, Oel Kohle, 1944, 40, 66. [all data]