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Author:Romanov, V.

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8 matching references were found.

Kessel'man, P.M.; Porischanskii, E.G.; Romanov, V.K.; Ponomareva, O.P.; Svetlichnyi, P.I.; Zheleznyi, V.P.; Slyusarev, V.V.; Karbanov, E.M., Complex Study of the Thermophysical Properties of Freon C 318, Teplofiz. Svoistva Vestchestv Mater., 1977, 11, 4-10. [all data]

Ponomareva, O.P.; Romanov, V.K., Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure of Refrigerants in Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshch. Mater., V. A. Rabinivich Ed. Collect. No. 28, 18-23, 1989. [all data]

Romanov, V.K., Thermodynamic Properties Octafluorocyclobutane and of Freons of the Ethane Type, Ph.D. Dissertation, Tech. Res. Inst. for Refrig. Ind., Odessa, 1985. [all data]

Kessel'man, P.M.; Gorichanskii, E.G.; Romanov, V.K.; Chumachenko, A.V., Equation of state of liquid freons s318 and 115., Teplofiz. Svoistva Veshchestv Mater., 1977, No. 11, 27-39. [all data]

Geller, V.Z.; Porichanskii, E.G.; Romanov, V.K., Experimental apparatus for studying the p-v-t data of freons., Kholod. Tekh. Tekhnol., 1972, 14, 68. [all data]

Adzhemyan, L.V.; Adzhemyan, L.Ts.; Zubkov, L.A.; Romanov, V.P., Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., 1982, 83, 539-44. [all data]

Romanov, V.P.; Solov'ev, V.A., Fluctuations of Concentrationand Their Effect on Sound Absorption, Strukt. Rol Vody Zhivom Organizmie, 1966, No. 1, 3-48. [all data]

Lebedev, V.P.; Miroshnichenko, E.A.; Matyushin, Yu.N.; Larionov, V.P.; Romanov, V.S.; Bukolov, Yu.E.; Denisov, G.M.; Balepin, A.A.; Lebedev, Yu.A., Semimicrocalorimetric determination of gas-phase enthalpies of formation of compounds containing nitrogen and oxygen. II. calorimetric determinationi of enthalpies of formation [of Tetranitromethane], Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.), 1975, 49, 1133-1136, In original 1933. [all data]