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Author:Reeves, E.

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6 matching references were found.

Reeves, E.J., Predicting true volumes in blending, Pet. Refin., 1954, 33, 6, 137-9. [all data]

Reeves, E.J., Determining volume changes in hydrocarbon blending, C. R. Trav. Lab. Carlsberg, 1952, 7, 478-9. [all data]

Reeves, E.J., Volumetric contraction in blending of hydrocarbons, Pet. Refin., 1952, 31, 4, 154-5. [all data]

Garton, W.R.S.; Reeves, E.M.; Tomkins, F.S.; Ercoli, B., Rydberg Series and Autoionization Resonances in the Y I Absorption Spectrum, Proc. R. Soc. London A:, 1973, 333, 17. [all data]

Nicholls, R.W.; Parkinson, W.H.; Reeves, E.M., The spectroscopy of shock-excited powdered solids, Appl. Opt., 1963, 2, 919. [all data]

Parkinson, W.H.; Reeves, E.M., The spectrum of titanium nitride, Can. J. Phys., 1963, 41, 702. [all data]