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Author:Pemberton, R.

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7 matching references were found.

Pemberton, R.C.; Parsonage, N.G., Thermodynamic properties of urea + hydrocarbon adducts. Part 1. Heat capacities of the adducts of n-C10H22, n-C12H26, n-C16H34, and n-C20H42 from 12 to 300 K, Trans. Faraday Soc., 1965, 61, 2112-2121. [all data]

Pemberton, R.C.; Parsonage, N.G., Thermodynamic properties of urea-hydrocarbon adducts: II heat capacities of adducts of n-pentadecane and 2-methyl- pentadecane from 12 to 300 k, Trans. Faraday Soc., 1966, 62, 553-7. [all data]

Pemberton, R.C.; Parsonage, N.G., Thermodynamic properties of urea + hydrocarbon adducts: I heat capacities of the adducts of n-decane, n-dodecane, n-hexadecane, n-eicosane from 12 to 300 k, Trans. Faraday Soc., 1965, 61, 2112-21. [all data]

Mash, C.J.; Pemberton, R.C., , Activity Coeff. at Very Low Conc. for Org. Solutes in Water Determined by an Automatic Chromat. Method, 1980. [all data]

Hall, D.J.; Mash, C.J.; Pemberton, R.C., Vapour-liquid equilibria for the systems water + methanol, water + ethanol, methanol + ethanol and water + methanol + ethanol at 298.15 K determined by a rapid transpiration method, NPL Rep. Chem. 95, Nat. Phys. Lab, UK, 1979. [all data]

Pemberton, R.C.; Mash, C.J., Thermodynamic properties of aqueous non-electrolyte mixtures: II vapour pressures and excess gibbs energies for water + ethanol at 303.15 to 363.15 k determined by an accurate static method, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 1978, 10, 867. [all data]

Larkin, J.A.; Pemberton, R.C., , Thermodynamic Properties of Mixtures of Water and Ethanol Between 298.15 and 383.15K, Natlk. Lab., U. K. Rep. 24, 1973. [all data]