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Author:Narayana, K.

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6 matching references were found.

Swamy, K.M.; Narayana, K.L., Speed of sound and ratio of heat capacity in 1-nonanol, 1-undecanol, and 1- dodecanol, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1993, 38, 617-18. [all data]

Narayana, K.L.; Swamy, K.M.; Rao, K.K., Sound velocity in liquid refrigerants - a method of estimation, Acoust. Lett., 1991, 15, 6, 99-104. [all data]

Narayana, K.L.; Swamy, K.M., Ultrasonic Velocity in and Adiabatic Compressibility for Some Fluorocarbon Liquid Mixtures, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 1989, 34, 19. [all data]

Narayana, K.L.; Swamy, K.M., Temperature variation of ultrasonic velocity in some low velocity fluorocarbon liquids, Acoust. Lett., 1986, 9, 137. [all data]

Swamy, K.M.; Narayana, K.L.; Murthy, J.S.R.; Sitaramaswamy, P., Ultrasonic Relaxation in Heptanoic and Nonanoic Acids, Z. Phys. Chem. (Leipzig), 1977, 258, 825. [all data]

Narayana, K.L.; Swamy, K.M., Pressure Dependence of Volume Viscosity of Higher Alcohols, Z. Phys. Chem. (:eopzig), 1975, 256, 770-2. [all data]